Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Ian's POV*

"Ian. Ian wake up man." I heard Seto's voice, it... Sounded stronger.

I blinked awake, and looked around. I... I was in my bakery? Seto stood over me, a concerned look on his face his hand glowing. Brice stood behind him with a similar concerned look.

"Are you ok? Your crying." Brice said.

I blinked and felt my cheeks. They were wet with tears, but why were they asking me? They were there weren't they? Th-they saw what I did. "H-h-how can I be..? Y-you saw what I did! Why did you bring me here?"

Brice looked confused as hell and Seto just rubbed my head. "What did you do Ian? You've been passed out here all day, you tripped and hit your head on the oven and you've been out since. Crainer found you and rushed to get me. He's in the rest room right now."

"Wh-what...? B-but it felt... S-so real... I... I..." I felt the tears begin to form again. Was it really all a dream? "I-I killed... E-everyone... I-it was Jerome's birthday party." I said shakily, "Derp... H-he gained control... A-and..."

Seto pulled me into a hug as my breath quickened and I started to hyperventilate. "No one is dead Ian. It was a bad dream. Jerome's birthday party is in 2 days."

I hugged back, a sudden feel of relief washing over me. Everyone was ok. Happy tears streamed down my face. If Jerome's part was in 2 days... Maybe that dream meant something... Jerome's cake was almost finished. Tomorrow, I won't go to my bakery, I'll stay at home and rest...

"Ian?" I heard Crainers voice from behind me. I looked over at him, just as he rushed over and hugged me. "Dude! You gave me a heart attack! I came in and saw you on the floor and panicked!"

I hugged back and buried my face in his chest. "Crainer? W-will you stay by me the next few days... I don't feel good..." I partially lied. I wasn't sick but I didn't feel good, I just wanted to stay by my friend.

"Of course dude. Oh, I uh finished that cake for you, it needs frosting but I put it in the refrigerator for you so it didn't go bad."

"Thank you Crainer."

He nodded and gently rocked me, the tears kept coming, but I knew I was safe, my friends were safe. I had friends who would help me.

Friends would pull me to the light, when it went out.


A/N: >:) I hope you guys enjoyed. This is the end of When The Lights Go Out. Like the plot twist? Hee hee...

Well I enjoyed writing this! I hope you enjoyed reading!



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