Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Ian's POV*

"Mmm..." I slowly opened my eyes. My vision slightly blurry. Where was I? What happened? Suddenly I remembered, the river, Derp, my glasses! I sat bolt right up with a scared scream, to see Seto infront of me? With... With his shirt stained with blood. He held the wound with his hands, and my stomach dropped like an anvil. What've I done?

He looked at me and gave me a small, sad smile. "Seto?!!" I yelled, rushing over to him, tears pricked my eyes and I wrapped my arms around him. "You can't die!"

"P-p-potion..." He whispered.

I gasped, and dug around in one of my pockets, I always kept one with me. I pulled out a health potion and carefully helped him drink it. The wound closed up, not well, but well enough that he wouldn't die. Suddenly I heard a voice from behind me.


I turned my head to see Brice, face covered in blood from a head wound and he was full of cuts and bruises. He gave me an untrusting look, but Seto raised his hand slightly giving Brice the ok. Brice rushed over and bent down by us. "Oh gosh Seto..."

"I-I'll be ok..." He said quietly.

I let out a small sniff and a foul stench filled my nose, one of blood, and smoke. I couldn't take not knowing, I stood up and and looked around. I was in Jerome's house... Today was... His birthday party. In the corner I saw two shapes. I slowly started to walk over to them.

"Ian..." Seto said, but I tuned him out. I walked over and almost gagged. Mitch and Jerome, lay dead next to each other. Jerome's fur and some of his skin burnt, his arms around Mitch and a stab wound through his back. I stumbled back, bile rising up in my throat and tears pricking my eyes. I stumbled into the next room and I froze. Sky... Deadlox... TrueMU... Husky... All dead... My legs buckled and I collapsed onto the ground, I couldn't hold it anymore. I vomited, though I didn't have much to throw up, so I did once and dry heaved the rest. I heard quiet footsteps behind me, Brice must've been helping Seto walk. I felt them stop and bend down by me. The dry heaves quickly turned to sobs as Seto and Brice hugged and tried to comfort me. I'd killed all my best friends... I tuned everything out, I ignored Seto's and Brice's words that were trying to calm me. I couldn't help it. After awhile I started to feel tired, heavy. I closed my eyes.

"Ian, Ian." Seto said gently shaking my shoulder. I ignored him, I just wanted to close my eyes and not wake up. After what I'd done, I just wanted to give up. Tears streamed down my cheeks, as I curled up and let blackness consume me.


A/N: I realize it's very short but the last chapter is coming out right away. So hope you enjoyed and please enjoy the last chapter :) byyyye


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