Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

*Derp's POV*

I smirked as I slowly walked towards the sayian and sorcerer. Both stood frozen, hands ready to send powerful beams at me. Brice had a look of fear and determination where Seto had more of a sad look. Well, one of his friends did become a murderer, kinda.

"S-stay back!" Brice yelled and shot another one of his blue Kai beams at me. I leapt over landing in between the two of them. I grabbed Seto by his hood and flung him over towards Mitch and Jerome, he yelped in shock as he landed and rolled into the wall but he was unharmed for now. Brice panicked and punched me square in the chest followed by an elbow in the back. Cursed sayian, why did they have to be extremely well fighters? I kicked my leg out hitting him in the kneecap, his leg buckled and he almost fell but he flew up instead. I got to my feet and leapt at him, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him into the wall. I pinned him there cutting off his windpipe. He choked and clawed at my arm desprate for a breath. I held tight and just when I thought I had him, a purple beam hit me in the side of the head sending my flying into the wall. Brice collapsed, out cold, but not dead as I continued to see his chest rise and fall. Fine, I guess I'll take care of Seto first.

Seto quickly pulled Brice over to a corner and laid him down, standing over him protectively, they'd been best friends for a long time, just like Mitch and Jerome. How tragic. Seto pulled out a sword and glowed menacingly, and I took it as a challenge, I grinned and pulled out my own sword. One on one, sword on sword. We yelled and lunged at each other, exchanging blows, Seto wasn't a great fighter, but he was doing well enough to avoid getting scathed. Only I could tell he was tiring down faster than I was, but he was still going strong, my guess was he was running on his magic. Well let's distract him then. I jumped back and pulled out a piece of TNT, I lit it and threw towards the unconscious sayian. Seto gasped and rushed infront of it, going to hit it away with his sword but it instead exploded sending him flying back into the wall, knocking the air from his lungs. This was my chance, Brice would die next. I walked over to Seto, my sword at the ready. I went to stab him in the stomach but he grabbed my arms, keeping me from moving them foreword, even though the blade was only inches from his abdomen. He gasped and sputtered and his arms shook like leaves in a breeze. He looked at me with... A look of empathy? A sorry look as he released my arms and slid something up my nose onto my eyes. I stabbed the sword into his gut and fell to the ground as a searing pain coursed through my head. I screamed gripping my head, unable to move anymore than that. He got the glasses... And put them back on... My time was up, but... My goal was complete, mostly. Seto crawled over to me, a trail of blood exiting his mouth slightly as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"C-c... Come on... Ian..." He said.

I grinned, he was dying, but he still had his magic. Hopefully just not enough to heal himself. I screamed again as the pain coursed through even worse this time, and everything went black.


A/N: another update will be out later today or tonight. I wanna finish up this story on Wattpad so I can move onto other stories and complete those as well, so this story is almost coming to a close. Also if the update doesn't come out till late tonight, I have sports and am very sorry, it's almost all typed up I'll try to finish it soon. Till then hope you enjoyed.


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