Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*Derp's POV*

Right on time... I put my hood up and disguised my voice to sound like Ian, I ran into the other room. "M-Mitch! J-Jerome! Th-there's a psycho! Q, Sky, Deadlox, TrueMU! They're all dead!" I fake cried in panic as Ian would. Mitch pulled out a sword ready to defend me where Jerome didn't look convinced, he pulled out his axe and glared daggers at me.

"You're not Ian..." He said with a growl. Mitch looked at him exasperated. I dropped the act, there was no fooling the bacca. I pulled back my hood and grinned.

"Happy birthday!" I cried swinging my sword toward him. He blocked quickly and knocked me away. I stood up and looked at them. "Awww don't like my surprise?"

"What did you do?!" Mitch cried.

"He's a murderer Mitch... Look at the blood on his clothes..."

Mitch gulped and I playfully swung my sword. "I was just enjoying the party..." I chuckled and began in a sing songy voice. "But now the party's over... And everyone is red..."

Jerome looked at me in disgust and Mitch pulled out his bow and aimed it at me. "Come on Ian... Snap out of it I don't wanna shoot you..."

"Fine, then I'll take the first shot." I said whipping out my bow and quickly shooting an arrow at him, hitting him in the stomach. Mitch took a step back and made a slight choking sound.

"Mitch!!!" Jerome yelled in panic, rushing over to him, catching him as he fell to his knees.

I put my bow away and pulled out my sword and axe, time to kill two birds with one swing. I rushed at them and swung at Jerome's head, Jerome saw and picked up Mitch, quickly jumping out of the way. He set Mitch down in the corner and stood in front of him holding his axe, Mitch had his hands over the wound as best he could, but his face was still whitening, he didn't have much time left. How sweet that Jerome still thought he could save him. I rushed at Jerome, swinging both of my weapons, Jerome blocked with his trusty diamond axe both of them and lunged at me, snarling. I side stepped, making him fly right past me and I stood next Mitch, putting my sword at his throat. Jerome froze.

"Don't!" He cried. My grin widened, I didn't slit his throat though, I stomped on the arrow embedded in his stomach. It went in deeper with a sickening noise till the arrow head dug into the floor, Mitch jolted and screamed and Jerome looked at me in horror. I wrapped my hand around the shaft of the arrow and looked at Mitch, his eyes tearing up in pain and wide in panic. In one sharp yank, I ripped the arrow out of his gut with a disgusting sound and blood to follow, splattering on my face. Mitch screamed again but it became muffled as his mouth and throat filled with blood. Mitch's hand rose to his throat as he despratly tried to cough up the blood as he choked on it. Since the wound on his stomach had gotten larger while yanking out the arrow his guts and intestines started to spill.

"MITCH!!!" Jerome screamed in horror.

To finish him of I swung my axe down, embedding it in his head, Mitch spazzed, eyes rolled back and he went limp in the corner. I left the axe as a good touch, behind me I could hear Jerome growling, I turned and faced him. He stood all puffed up and trembling.

"Aww come on Jerome, aren't you gonna eat his liver?" I said with a sneer.

Jerome roared and lunged at me, and we were in a one on one fight, sword vs axe. We fought for a good while, exchanging blows, metal on metal. At one point we clashed and pushed on each other's weapons. "Now it's my turn... To win the hunger games..." I hissed, releasing my push, and twisting my sword knocking Jerome's axe out of his hand. I slashed at his face, getting him above the eyes, temporarily blinding him, I laid a piece of TNT and lit it and backed up as the bacca clawed at his face to get the blood and fur out of his eyes. 3... 2... 1... BOOM!!! The TNT went off, sending Jerome flying back into the wall, even his fur caught on fire, he screamed in agony as he rolled to put out the fire, even though he barley had the strength to stand, I jumped over the hole I made in the floor, the fire had gone out, but Jerome remained panting and shaking.

"I... I..." He tried to say but held my sword at his throat, shutting him up.

"I believe we have a victor..." I sneered, as I twirled my sword once and shoved it into his stomach. Jerome choked up, and kicked me in the stomach, sending me stumbling back. He crawled over to Mitch and held him close, I sighed in disgust and stabbed him in the back through the heart. I looked around at my progress, my task was almost complete.

Suddenly I heard a whoosh, and I quickly jumped out of the way as a blue Kai beam and purple beam of light shot towards me, I whipped around to see Seto Sorcerer and Brice Goldsolace standing with determined and sad looks on their faces.

"Your reign of terror ends here Derp!" Seto yelled holding up Ian's glasses. I tensed slightly, but instead I snarled and grinned.

"You think you can stop me! I already killed everyone here! Your too late!" I yelled back.

Seto's expression turned sad. "That's why we're going to stop you, for them!" He yelled shooting another beam at me. I dodged and landed on the edge of the hole.

This would be the best death yet...


A/N: I like and feel bad that I killed the birthday boy on his birthday on my birthday... I'm sorry Jerome! I love you! There are only a few more chapters >:-] this is gonna be beautiful. Hope you all enjoyed, I have a few other chapters to get done for other stories so yes, I'll see you all later, byyyye!


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