Chapter 3

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*Derp's POV*

(Get ready for some gore)

~Next Morning~

I awoke early and left a hollowed out tree I'd found in the middle of the night. It was misty, making the conditions all the more perfect for me. I grinned. It was time to find my first victim.

I wandered around the forest through the mist and shadows. Soon I heard the sound of splashing water. I crept closer, making sure not to be seen, and in a pond by his home, Huskymudkipz was taking a swim. Probably wanted to get one in before he headed to Jerome's birthday party. Only Husky here would not be attending the party, at least, not in the way he intends too. I felt a grin spread across my face. I walked over to him, remaining in the mist not to be seen as he got out of the pond and stretched. I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and whirled around startled.

"Oh it's just you-" he stopped short and looked closer, his eyes widened in fear when he realized that I wasn't his precious friend. I wrapped my hand around his throat to keep him from screaming, not that it mattered out in the forest.

"Ian? No, not quite. Guess again." I hissed and in a flash pulled out my sword and stabbed him in the stomach.

His eyes widened in a panic as the sharpness five blade pierced through flesh and tissue. Blood seeped out the room staining his suit a crimson color. The orangeness of his cheeks faded to an almost pale yellow color. He tried to speak but could barley even manage a choke. I grinned and pulled his face closer to mine.

"What's the matter fishy? Are you afraid to die?" I said softly, releasing his throat and pulling out my sword.

Husky fell back but he wasn't dead yet, he looked up at me. He again tried to speak but all he did was cough up blood. I laughed manically.

"Oh and about Jerome's party, don't worry I'll make sure you get there." I said evilly and pulled out my diamond axe.

Husky's eyes widened but he couldn't move. He knew his fate, so let's make it reality. I rose my axe and Husky closed his eyes. I paused for a moment, grin widening, heightening his suspense, after the moment he opened his eyes and that's when I swung sideways, chopping his head off in one clean swipe. The head flew a few feet and the body fell, blood spilling out the wound. I dragged the body over and dumped it into to pond, watching as it turned a bloody red. I put my sword and axe away and walked over to his head. I picked it up and looked at it. His eyes were glossed over showing the last bit of fear and panic on his face.

"You know. Baccas like fish. Let's see what he thinks of this." I pulled out the cake Ian made for Jerome's birthday and put the head on top shoving it so it stuck to the frosting, I then put it back in my inventory. I looked up at the sky. Blood was splattered on my face and clothes, no worries in cleaning it off, it would only get bloodier later. The sun was barley even to mid noon and the party was at sunset. Guess I had to find away to kill some time, I thought for a moment as an idea formed in my mind. Ah yes. Let's go find a village.


A/N: muhahahahahaha I hope you guys are enjoying this. I know I sure am! I know the chapters have been pretty short lately the next one is gonna be really short but I'm trying to keep it so I don't change POVs very often so that's why they're short but they'll get longer! I promise! I swear on me mum!

Anyways thanks for reading and I'll see all you dudes in the next update! Bye byyyye


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