Chapter 6

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*Derp's POV*

Crainer looked up at me eyes wide, gripping his arm which was spilling blood.

"I-Ian!? What the crap dude!?" He cried.

I grinned a malicious grin making him cower, but it being part of his personality, his eyes grew full of concern.

"Dude? You ok?" He asked.

I raised my sword. "Never been better." I swung down, but Crainer rolled of the bed avoiding the blade.

He jumped up and pulled out his own sword, flipping on the light go his room. He got a better look at my face and his eyes widened in fear.

"D-derp..." He whispered.

"In the flesh." I replied.

Crainer gulped, he could rarely beat Ssundee in a fight, much less me. He doesn't stand a chance, and he knows it too.

"Wh-what happened to your glasses dude?" He asked trying to remain calm.

"Smashed to bits by a boulder!" I exclaimed with glee. "There's no stopping me..." My voice dropped an octave and Crainer prepared himself.

I swung at him from the side, he was barley able to block but somehow he managed. Only with his injured arm I was able to twist my sword, knocking his from his hand. His eyes widened and he backed up against the wall. I stepped towards him raising my sword. "Say good night Crainer." I hissed. His eyes darted around looking for someway of escape. I swung down and Crainer dove between my legs, jumped up and bolted. I had to give him credit, he was fast... But not fast enough. I raced after him putting my sword away and pulling out my bow. Crainer sprinted out the door, I stood in the door way and notched an arrow. Just because I have crooked eyes doesn't mean I'm a bad shot. I took aim and shot the arrow, hitting Crainer in the heel. He yelped and tripped, rolling a few feet, breaking off the body of the arrow leaving the rest in his ankle. He wouldn't be running anywhere anytime soon. I walked over to him, pulling out my sword again. Crainer gulped and backed up, hitting the well. He looked up at me his bright green eyes sparkling with tears.

"I-Ian... D-don't let him do this." Crainer whimpered.

"Ian can't hear you... He's out of the picture. In other words... He can't save you... No one can..." I whispered raising my sword. I put my foot on his chest so he couldn't squirm away. He tried pushing me off but I was bigger and stronger.

I plunged my sword down into his chest, making a sickening gloshing noise. Crainer made a slight gasp, as blood seeped through the wound and some even trickled out of his mouth. With what strength he had left he grabbed my arm, I stared at him and before I could shake him off he said 5 very soft words that I almost couldn't hear.

"Ian... It's... Not y-your... Fault..."

I held my glare at him and without even thinking I twisted my sword and ripped out, watching Crainer take his final breath. Blood spurted as I yanked, getting on my face and sword. I licked my lips, tasting the coppery taste on my tongue. I grinned as my vision started to go red again. I looked up at the sky. Sunset was almost upon me. It was time to join the party.


*???'s POV*

I stayed quiet and out of sight until the thing was away from the village. I pulled out my phone and snapped a view pictures of the scene. The village reeked of blood and gore to the point where I felt like I was gonna hurl. But I needed these pictures if anyone would believe me. Believe what I witnessed. I even got a picture of the guys back, I didn't want to get close enough to see their face.

My invisibility potion wore off and I stepped out from behind a house, I wasn't sure where he was gonna go next, but if I ran to my friends house... Maybe I could get some answers. I shuttered in fear and took off into the forest. I just hope he was ok, and still lived in the same spot.


A/N: hey guys! Sorry it's been awhile! I actually went on and almost finished writing the rest of this story, and I started school, and I have a study hall so expect updates a bit more frequently now! I've also been working hard on my one shots book as I really enjoy writing those and I've been busy writing chapters for my other stories. (And sequel for a story yet to be published cause I keep forgetting!)

Also! I hit 100 followers recently! Holy crap guys! That's amazing! And i want to do something to say thank you! So if you guys have an idea on how I can say thank you to you guys let me know. I'm excited to get to know as much as I can all my followers :) cause that's what wattpad is. Is a community for authors and readers so thank you so much guys!

Ok I'm rambling again XD. I hope you guys enjoyed! And I'll see all you dudes in the next update.


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