twenty seven.

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              There are times where I feel like time is going by so slow

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There are times where I feel like time is going by so slow. The days take so long to pass by, but then before you know it we're onto another month. That scares me. Time feels like it's going by so slow, but when you take a step back you realize that time doesn't wait. Time is never on hold. You either get left or get with the program.

The two teenage girls laid in Alex's twin bed as they scrolled through Yazmin's phone. Her fathers award night was the previous day and she still hadn't figured out what dress she wanted to wear. Prom was also near and all of the girls were in a frenzy. This was one of the most important times of the year. If you were the type of person to walk around looking dressed down everyday, now was your time to dress to impress. Now was the time to leave a statement and make people remember their last moment seeing you.

The girls were determined to leave a statement.

"I like the white one, but I think the peach would look good on your skin. What's your mom wearing?"


"Then wear the peach."

The girls laughed loudly.

"That's a great idea."

"Y'all sound like some hyenas up in there." Alex's sister; Sage called out from the other side of the door.

"Oh my god! Shut up! You are so annoying." Alex scoffed. She looked over at Yazmin and sighed heavily. "Be glad that you're an only child."

"No, you're lucky." Yazmin rolled her eyes.

Yazmin leaned against Alex's headboard and crossed her legs. She debated on whether or not she should bring up the almost kiss between her and Sean. It was something that she didn't think she'd ever forget. She never saw Sean in that light where he was the least bit affectionate. Those were things that she just imagined. But that night, it wasn't her imagination. That was the real thing.

She decided that she was going to keep it to herself for a bit. There were plenty of other more important things that were going on.

"So, have you decided on what you want to wear to prom?"

"Yeah," Alex smiled. She sat up and grabbed her phone. Yazmin squinted her eyes at the picture before she smiled at her best friend.

"That's really pretty."

It was a beautiful off white dress with a princess frame that cupped the bust well. It had silver diamonds trailing around the trail and was tight fitted. Alex wasn't really one to ever wear fitted clothing very often, but she had great style. If she had to then she would.

"Why the simple route?"

"Well, I'm thinking about my mom doing this 90's updo, which has a lot of detail to it. Plus I wanna add some colour to it."

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