Chapter 1 - What Comes After The End?

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Today is my first day of University. I woke up early so I would have time to hunt before class, and also so I can go see Simon this morning. After draining four to six rats, I head back to the flat I share with Fiona to clean up.

My hair, still wet from my shower, is slicked back neatly, and I've changed into a navy suit with a pink v-neck underneath. I take the train to Simon and Bunce's place, and stop to grab sandwiches on my way, because it always makes Simon happy when I bring sandwiches.

After giving a light courtesy knock on the door, I let myself in with the key Simon gave me last week. He said he was tired of having to get up to let me in. Despite the horrid excuse, it still made my heart flutter.

When I walk in, Penny is in the kitchen bustling around. "Bunce," I say with a nod in her direction. I look around for the familiar mop of bronze curls I love so much, but come up short.

"Good morning, Baz, would you like some tea?" Penny asks.

"Yes, thank you. I've brought sandwiches. Where is Simon?" I say as I take a seat at their small dining table, and Penny pours me a cup. She is wearing her classic short skirt and knee high socks with her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail.

Penny frowns and says, "He's still in bed. To be honest, Baz, I'm a bit worried about him. He's been in such a funk recently, sleeping all the time, and moping around when he's not sleeping. I'm not sure if even sandwiches can fix this."

I nod dejectedly in response. I've noticed he's been a bit down as well, but I didn't realize it was becoming such a problem. "I'm going to go check on him," I say as I stand from the table, and Penny starts taking her share of the sandwiches.

I give a light knock on his bedroom door. "Simon?" I call out softly. There's no answer, so I open the door slowly and peek inside. He is curled up on his side with his red, leathery wings splayed out behind him. His hands are tucked under his cheek, and he's snoring softly. The dark green duvet is pulled up as far as his wings will allow, leaving his bare shoulders exposed. His curls are wild from sleep, and there's a bit of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, dampening his pillow. He's so beautiful; watching him sleep takes me back to our days at Watford.

I close the door softly behind me as I make my way over to him. His hair has grown out quite a bit, and I can't help but gently run my fingers through it and give a feather light kiss to my favorite mole on his cheek. He stirs, breathing deeply and rubbing the drool from his mouth.

"Good morning, Love," I say.

"Baz?" Simon says, his voice rough with sleep. His blue eyes flutter open, and he gives a small smile. "Hi," he says, wrapping his arms around the back of my neck and pulling me down on the bed next to him. He buries his face in my shoulder and gives a sigh as I stroke his hair. My suit is definitely going to be wrinkled, but it doesn't matter. He's so warm, and these moments are all that I live for. "What're you dressed so nice for?" he asks, noticing my outfit choice.

"It's Bunce's and my first day at University, remember?" I say, pushing his too-long hair out of his eyes. His face falls slightly at the reminder.

"Oh. Most people would just wear jeans, ya' know?"

I raise an eyebrow at him and say, "Do you really think I am most people, Snow?" Besides, I really didn't go that over the top, compared to some of the things in my closet.

"Of course not," he says with a huff, "but I like you in jeans. I wish you would wear them more often."

"Yes, well, I like to give a good first impression. I brought sandwiches. Aren't you hungry?" I don't know why I even bother asking. He's already dragging himself out of bed and throwing some pants on.

Simon has eaten an entire sandwich before Bunce can say good morning.

"Simon, will you be alright by yourself today? I can spell your wings for you now in case you'd like to get out for a bit," Penny offers, already pointing her ring at him.

"No Penny, I've told you I don't want you to use magic on me anymore. I'll be perfectly fine, it's not like I'm a child for Christ's sake."

Penny rolls her eyes and says, "I know you're not a child, Simon. I'm just trying to help." She then crosses her hands over her chest in frustration, and Simon glares at his food stubbornly.

He shoves the last sandwich in his mouth and makes his way to the couch, flopping down face first so his wings will be comfortable. Bunce and I share a concerned look. Simon has been spending most of his time on the couch lately. He just doesn't seem to have a purpose anymore now that the Humdrum has been defeated and he's lost his magic. He didn't want to enroll in University with us, he says he wants to find a job but hasn't even tried looking for one, and all he does is sit around and feel sorry for himself.

"Simon, how about I come back later this afternoon and we do something fun together, yea?" I suggest. He really just needs an excuse to get his arse off the couch.

"Mm, okay," he agrees with some hesitation. He doesn't like to leave the flat because of his wings (and tail). It is a bit odd wearing a jumper to hide them in the summer, and he won't let us spell them away anymore.

I finish the rest of my tea, then stand and try to smooth my suit the best I can. It's not pristine, but I will still be the best dressed student today. "Well, I best be off. Don't want to be late," I say, glancing at Simon on the couch. He doesn't even lift his head in my direction. I sigh, and to Penny I say, "Are you coming, Bunce?"

"Yes, just a second," she says, grabbing her bag and sliding on her Doc Martens.

I walk over to Simon, and crouch down next to his face so I can make him look at me. "Please take care of yourself, Snow," I say. His blue eyes meet mine, and I would do anything to see him smile, really smile the way he used to, before everything. He looks so sad, it makes my heart ache.

"I will, Baz."

"Thank you," I say, rubbing my thumb across his cheek. I kiss the corner of his mouth and feel his face warm in my hand. "I'll be back later, then," I say, and then make my way out of the flat.

"Bye Simon!" Penny says, closing the door behind us.

I stare at my feet as we walk the first block in silence. "It's okay, Baz," Penny finally speaks up. "I really think he just needs time to process everything that happened. It's not the type of thing that someone can just recover from in only nine months."

"You're probably right."

"I usually am."

"I just can't take seeing him so sad all of the time. He needs something to give him purpose so he won't sit around on the couch all day."

"How about a pet? Maybe something small like a goldfish."

"A pet! That's a brilliant idea! Bunce, you're a genius," I say, beaming at her.

She smiles back and says, "Yes, I'm aware."

We arrive on campus, and it's time to go our separate ways. "Have a good class, Bunce," I say with a nod.

"You too!" she says, and she's off. Although Penny has entered my life as a side effect of dating Simon Snow, I've really come to appreciate and admire her. We do have a common goal, afterall, which is making Simon happy.  

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