Chapter 3 - Impulsivity

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I've been playing video games on the couch for the past hour or so when Baz arrives. He lets himself in with the key I gave him last week. I did that a bit impulsively, but I don't regret it. I just want Baz to know he's always welcome here, because it's better when he's around. I pause my game as he sits down next to me.

"Hi," I say, turning to face him. I've changed into baggy jeans to hide my tail, but I still don't have a shirt on. It makes my wings uncomfortable, so I usually don't bother until I have to.

"Hi," he says, smiling at me cheekily. He's plotting something, I just know it.

"How was class?" I ask, a hint of skepticism in my voice.

"It was fine, just your usual first day introductions. But nevermind that. Bunce gave me an idea."

I narrow my eyes at him and ask, "And what idea is this?"

"What do you think about adopting a pet?"

"I've always wanted a dog. Is that what we're doing today? Are we getting a dog?" I say excitedly, grabbing Baz's hands and bouncing like a kid on Christmas morning.

Baz blinks in surprise, and says, " Oh, erm, Penny mentioned a fish."

"I don't like fish. I want a dog. Can we please go get a dog, Baz?"

Baz hesitates, then says, "Owning a dog is a lot of responsibility. Are you sure you would be able to properly take care of it? It would need food, water, walks, baths..."

"I was the chosen one for most of my life, and I handled that responsibility well enough. I think I can handle a dog."

Baz sighs. He knows I'm right. "Okay," he says, "we can go to the shelter and look, but we shouldn't bring anyone home until we talk to Penny. We also need to buy all of the supplies and dog-proof your flat. I didn't even know you liked dogs."

I grab a hoodie from my closet and throw it on, tucking my wings in as tightly as I can. Once my shoes are tied, I'm grabbing Baz by the wrist and dragging him toward the door. "Let's gooo."

Baz chuckles at my impatience, and pulls me toward him using the wrist I'm holding. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me deeply. I bring my hands up to wrap around the back of his neck, holding him there. I haven't been this excited to leave the flat in months, and now he's making me want to stay.  

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