Chapter 2 - Reminiscing

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I rub the spot where Baz kissed me with my thumb, my cheeks warming at the memory. Baz chose me, and everything else that sucks in my life right now doesn't seem to matter so much. Because I've fallen completely in love with him.

But it's hard to be alone, like right now. I think a lot, mostly about the past and things that I shouldn't have done and things that I should've. I don't regret giving up my magic, but I do miss it. Despite the fact that I was always pretty rubbish at it, and I needed Penny's help most of the time even back then. It feels worse now somehow having to rely on them, though. How am I supposed to keep up now? I'm just a normal. A normal with dragon wings and a tail, but still a normal. I don't belong in their world anymore. I hug a throw pillow to my chest as tightly as I can, just to give myself something to hold onto while I feel my feelings. I'm so used to being the hero, the protector, but I can't save anyone from anything anymore. I can't even save myself from these depressing thoughts.

After a while of laying on the couch and thinking about things I have no control over, I decide to keep my word to Baz and try to take care of myself. A shower and fresh clothes, and maybe a second breakfast ought to do the trick. 

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