Chapter Four: Kaiyo

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Chapter Four: Kaiyo

Akira had a bored expression on her face. Her lips were pursed into a thin line and her chin rested on the back of her hand as she propped herself onto a chair. She stared at me directly, waiting for me to confirm my decision. 

"Are you actually willing to do this?" She asked. I nodded, holding my arm out. I waited for her to grab the syringe that lay so dauntingly on top of her tray. She sighed and grabbed the syringe and brought it closer to my arm. She inserted but before she did anything she looked at me one last time to make sure I knew what I was doing. 

I smiled at her in reassurance. 

"Let me forget, and I promise I'll be sinning just for you." 

Akira still wore a bored look. 

The red and yellow fluids squirted and I felt a painful sensation throughout my body. Akira pulled out the needle and only then did I finally see her grin. "Sweet dreams, weeper." 

~Four years later~ (events still align with the timeline of TG) 

I played around with my daughter. Her blue hair was a mess but it seemed she didn't mind. She kept a little clip in her hair and moved it from her beautiful blue locks to the tip of her nose. Her laugh was contagious and her little cheeks puffed out when she smiled. I scooped her up and brought her closer to me. I kissed her forehead lightly before letting her go again. 

Juuzou walked in my apartment, again uninvited. At this point I was accustomed to it. I don't bother pulling out my pistol because eighty percent of the time it's always just him. Or perhaps a him and a friend. Not that he has many anyways. 

I scratched the back of my neck before speaking to him. "What brings you here?"

"Do you have any sweets?" 

Of course that's what he asked first. 

He came closer to me and pressed his forehead against mine. He slipped his hand inside my coat and as soon as he found what he wanted, he stepped back. He popped the cherry sucker in his mouth and put on one of his stupid, sinister, grins. 

"Uncle Juu!" Kaiyo came out from behind me and eagerly ran up to Juuzou. Juuzou kneeled down and lifted her in the air. She flailed her arms around acting as if she could fly. It ended shortly and she was put to a halt in his arms. 

"What's on her nose? She looks like a mosquito." Juuzou said flipping her over. The girl dangled and laughed. Her eyes turned black and I tensed as I saw this. 

Juuzou set her right side up. "Now she REALLY does look like a mosquito." Juuzou set her down and took out his quinque knife. He stared at me directly, twirling the knife and letting it fall between his fingers. He turned around, knife still in hand, and left without saying a single goodbye. Even with him not being in the room, I could still hear his sick, twisted laugh.

Kaiyo glumly looked away and turned to meet my eyes. She pulled on my dress with her head hanging low. She stuttered a bit before making any coherent words. "Mama. When is daddy coming home?" I was surprised at her question. She never asked about her dad. I avoided answering her and told her that dinner was just about ready. She looked at the floor, biting her bottom lip. 

"Mama, I'm tired. Can you tuck me in?"

"Of course buttercup."

I picked her up and brought her to her room. I waited until she was comfortably asleep and closed her bedroom door and pretended I didn't hear her quiet, audible cry. 

Guess a mother isn't enough. She needs a father, someone to keep her safe when you can't. 

//Last updated: 07.14.2018//

Simple and Forgetful. Ayato Kirishima x Reader x Kaneki Ken/ Haise SasakiWhere stories live. Discover now