Chapter Seven: Unneeded Input

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//For purposes of this story, events regarding Juuzou, Shinohara, Arima and Kaneki are not told and are in fact skipped.//

Chapter Seven: Unneeded Input

I charged towards the burning cafe. My heart melted when I saw Hide on the ground. It hurt. It all hurt. I fell onto my knees, feeling the cold snow against my bare skin. I had no actual relation with him but he used to stop by the office. He approached me with such a carefree attitude and told me a few jokes before departing.

Ahead of him, just above the burning building stood the Black Rabbit. His blue hair still kept me at awe. His mask was off and it revealed the dullness of his eyes. He remained expressionless. From his pocket, the silver locket of mine poked out. He turned on his heel and left. I grieved heavily. I wanted to just put everything together. I was missing something, I knew I was.

I want to figure it out.

And I think that he's a part of my puzzle.

"Fuck you." I managed to mumble.

~Three Years Later~

Akira Mado organized her papers neatly in front of her. She had a few profiles in front of her, a manila folder nicely pressed next to each picture. She fiddled with her pencil. She was in thought, perhaps about the work at hand or maybe about something else.

"Eira," She said to me. "You're fairly pretty and although I hate to have to say it in these terms, you'll be used as bait to lure a certain ghoul. I know this is unlike you to do," She paused momentarily. Akira always took a moment to think about her next words. It wasn't out of politeness but rather of intellect. "But you have to dress somewhat . . . Provocatively. "

I stayed silent. I wasn't bothered by her mission being assigned to me. I just. . .Feel as if I lack any other purpose in this case. I'm a girl with pretty legs. I guess that's all I'm good for in the end. I did have a child at seventeen. I can't blame anyone here if they look at me like a slut.

"What activities will I be doing?" I finally managed to say.

"You'll be going to a bar. There will be low lighting and one of your many talents, Eira, is that you are able to change your scent. You also have superb hearing and sight, which of course comes with the perks of being a ghoul yourself." She handed me the manila folder that lay on her right. She opened it up and pointed at the ghoul that she wanted me to catch.

"He looks retarded."

The conference table shifted and Haise Sasaki stifled a giggle. He brought his hand to his chin and then went back to looking over my shoulder. I ignored him.

"This is a very unclear plan." I went over the file. He was, according to these charts, an S~ ranked ghoul. I thought about his rating. It wasn't exactly all that difficult to detain him myself. I looked up at Akira who was waiting for another reply from me. I closed the file and handed it back to her. "I can't do this anyways. I promised my daughter I would attend her concert tonight."

"And what time is that?"

"In the evening. Somewhere from 18:00 to 19:30." I said bluntly.

"The date is at 20:30." Akira smirked and handed the file back to me. I groaned and placed the file in my bag. I was beyond annoyed.

"Do I have to be a whore for this event or someone with a fine taste in expensive wine?"

Akira scolded me.

"All you have to do Eira is take the ghoul out to the bar, pretend to be drunk, run into an ally and we'll take care of it from there." Akira said setting more information about the ghoul down. "Your squad will be in the bar with you but they will start to appear at various moments. Haise will enter first." She again took a second to herself to adjust her posture. She leaned in closer to me, her eyes cast with a certain seriousness to them. "Eira, you must follow Haise's orders." I rolled my eyes and was about to retort something when my phone started to ring. I bit my tongue and looked down at my phone.

It read: Stupid Ass School.

"Nice I.D." Sasaki commented.

I ignored him again and answered the call.


"Hello. Is this Miss Masuki?"

"That is me." I replied.

"This is the principal. Your daughter currently in my office."

"Is something wrong?"

"Although there is nothing to be of concern, your daughter did harass and physically take action against a student. She is being detained in my office but I suggest you get here as soon as possible to discuss further consequences."

"I'm sure she had a reason to do-"

"We can discuss this when you come here to pick her up early."

"But I'm in a middle of a mee-" The line went dead. He hung up on me. What an asshole. I dismissed myself from the meeting and gathered my belongings. Before leaving, Akira stopped me.

"Haise you drive her."

Sasaki woke from his daydream and looked at me with wide eyes. He sheepishly smiled and was going to decline but Akira tossed her car keys at him. I didn't need a guardian to do everything for me. I'm a parent, I can handle things myself. I darted out the door and made my way down to the parking garage. Sasaki quickly trailed along.

We got in the car and all I could notice was the small smile on Sasaki's lips. He had rosy cheeks and a little gleam in his eyes. He had to be seeing someone. No one is ever that happy at an inconvenient time.


Sasaki always seemed to get lost in thought. He also had a habit of scratching his neck and touching his chin. He seemed a little weary and although I wasn't one to exactly concern myself with other people, I worried for him slightly. "Are you alright?" I spoke up. Sasaki stopped what he was doing and glanced at me. His face turned red and he did one last little scratch and put his hands on the steering wheel.

"I'm fine." He said. I didn't believe him but I didn't want to get into his personal problems.

"If you say so Sasaki. But to clarify to you, you're still my subordinate and I'm here to tend to your needs." I looked at my watch then at him. His eyes were bold and he was redder than he was before. He coughed into his arm and sped up. He seemed so flabbergasted. It wasn't just his body language that expressed this but he nearly rammed into the trunk of a vehicle in front of us.

After a few more minutes of silence, Sasaki fidgeted with the radio and turned to me. "Do you want to play twenty questions while we wait?"

I looked at him but complied myself and nodded. "Okay. You go first."

"What's your favorite hobby?"

"I don't have time for hobbies." It was sad but it was true. Kaiyo needed a lot of attention.

"How old is your daughter?"

"Six turning seven in November."

"Who's the father of your child?"

I stayed silent. These were odd questions to ask a practical stranger. "Why are you so interested in my personal life?" I asked. He clicked his tongue and shrugged his shoulders.

"Just more reasons to protect a person." He said. I hesitated but I answered his question.

"I don't recall anything from her father. If you don't remember Haise, I was in an accident and most of my memory is sort of a blank. But I guess I wasn't of importance because here I am, alone. But Kaiyo and I are fine by ourselves. We don't need him, whoever he is. If he cared he would have contacted us long ago." I spotted Kaiyo's school and asked him if he could pull up a little closer. I got out and thanked him for the ride.

"Eira," He cleared his throat and set the car on park. "Maybe he had a reason to leave."

I laughed and reassured him that I didn't need any input.

"I doubt it. Besides, all men are the same."

//Updated: 07.16.2018//

Simple and Forgetful. Ayato Kirishima x Reader x Kaneki Ken/ Haise SasakiWhere stories live. Discover now