PROLOGUE: The party

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My exams are a massive succes!

The excitement takes me as I leave the university.

This is amazing! Now I just might be able to get my dream job.

I am Evan, 20 years old, and i'm studying astrology and engineering at university.

They are my twin passions, like a dual sided coin. That is it.

Someday I hope to work for NASA, its a far stretched goal, but I chase the big things in life, so i'm sure i'll reach it one day. 

And with my exams now, there is something to be celebrated!

I get a call. Its Duncan, a good friend.

"Sup Duncan? Did you hear my results?"

"We all did, bro! I have a plan, lets throw a massive goddamn party at my house for that! We'll invite everyone!"

"Aww hell yeah! Lets do this! Tonight?"


I hang up the phone. Yes, we are having ourselves a banger of a party!

Running home, good feelings are all that is on my mind.

I come home, heading in the elevator.

I live in a small apartment, its affordable, unlike Duncan who can afford just about anything with his way of getting money... If he would even tell me how.

Anyhow, no time for sitting around! I gotta put some school papers away, and then i'm of to the grocery story, i'm bringing some soda to the party.

I rush through my file cabinets to put away the papers, I have no time!

Walking through the street now, man, it feels like time is going fast!

In the supermarket, I take no second guesses and go to get a big rack of soda's.

The I go to checkout.

"Wow, what would you need so much soda for?" The store clerk behind the counter says.

"Just planing a party, this is my share of it."

I quickly pay and run of back to my apartment. 

Its happening! Party time!

The Evening comes, and I'm off.

Casual clothes on and soda in hand, I go to Duncan's house.

As I arrive, I see the colorful lights, I hear the muffled music and commotion.

Ringing the bell "DING DONG!".

Duncan opens.

"Holy Christ, man, I thought you lost track of the time!"

"Don't worry, man, I brought some cokes, lets make it rain!"

He lets me in, the party is already going on.

People are chatting everywhere, drinking, eating, partying, dancing.

Wow, my head, this is a packed atmosphere!


Jonah, an old friend from school yells that.

Wow, he is also here? Did not expect Duncan to invite him.

Duncan grabs one of the cokes from my tray and squeezes it so hard it literally explodes in his hand. 


The house is now full of cheers! What a party!

It gets funky, and... Kind of chaotic.

Soda cans are all over he floor, I think I ate too much chips.

The lights, the music, the commotion, I think i'm about to pass out of joy and overdose at the same time.

I see some guys tossing chips bags in the pool outside. I think Jonah is kind of drunk, he is completely smashing the DJ table.

Oh my god, this is too much and fun at the same time!

Duncan is completely losing it on the dance floor, everybody's watching his stylish moonwalk as he holds a fedora over his head.

Somebody threw a chair! But i'm too party drunk to care.

Uh... I feel completely smashed after the party as everybody leaves. 

I think I might get caught by a cop or something, I feel very intoxicated, yet I did not drink a drop of alcohol. Its probably just party fatigue, uh, I really don't know what to think...

I enter the apartment complex. And stumble into the elevator.

I literally can barely stand.

As I stumble into my apartment, I drop my bag and look at the clock.


Jesus, did the party really last that long?

I start to get a headache...

I stumble to my bed.

Pajamas? Not now, i'm tired, drowsy and fatigued, I need to lie down before I drop down...

I let myself fall on the bed, god i'm tired.

And now I to sleep.






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