PART 1: Familiar

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What was that sound? Did something fall in the kitchen?

Wait, am I even in my bed? I can't feel my blanket!

I'm on... A cold wooden floor...

That is not all, i'm in a circle, made up of...

Is that gunpowder? I can't tell.

"What in the..."

This is not my apartment, I am surrounded by bookshelves, large bookshelves, bigger than the ones I have seen in the library.

It smells old, like old paper, yep, this is a library alright, just... Not a normal one.

This can't be real, did I sleepwalk into some sort of dream?

Okay Evan, just stay calm, there was this flick sound and then all of a sudden you got in this... Library. 

I swear, this is not a dream, it does not feel like one. And I am sure that if I smell old paper and feel dust, this is 100% real.

I just have to get myself together, and-

I hear something. tapping. Someone with high heels is coming.

Its getting closer and closer and i'm just lying here.

Oh god, what do I do?

Then I see a girl approach.

She is wearing this brown dress, with a leather satchel and many other leather accessories belted on it. Brown high heels, so that explains the tapping... But the most interesting thing is that on her long white hair, she has a pointy hat, with brown beads hanging of the edges.

She honestly looks like some sort of witch.

"Um... What are you doing in my summoning circle?" She says.

"Your... Summoning circle? I don't know what happened, I was in my bed just a moment ago, and now i'm in this... Library? I'm Evan, by the way."

"Are you kidding? That excuse does not work on me, what did you do? Did you break in here?"

Then there is abrupt silence.

"You don't look normal to me... And so is your name, are you even human?"

"Yes, i'm human, now, did you say summoning circle? Did you summon me? Well, if it is, could you kindly un-summon me? I need to go back to, uh, reality."

"Ha, you are really insane. Fine, I won't do anything, but did you see a pet animal around the circle when you "Got here"? Like a dog, a cat, maybe a parrot?"

"Wait, i'm not insane! I did not summon myself here! And pets? No... I did not see any. I'm just as confused as you, one moment i was sleeping in my apartment, and the next i'm here in this... Library. Are you a librarian or something?"

"No, silly, I'm not a librarian, i'm a student! Hear that? S T U D E N T. Need me to spell it again?"

"No no, I understand, you are a student."

"If you did not see my familiar, I will just find it myself then."

She raises a brown wooden wand. Familiar? What is that?

My thoughts are snapped, because all of a sudden i'm glowing.

"What the- What did you do to me? Make it stop!"

"I did not do anything, just a spell that makes my familiar gl-"

She sees that I am glowing. The sparks are dancing on me like crazy. And then it stops.

"Huh? But..." She gets a book from a lecture and flips through the pages to a specific one.

"Familiars come in the shape of pet animals, mostly dogs, cats, mice and owls, but can extend to any being imaginable... Oh no..."

She puts down the book on the lecture again.

"Familiars? Are those the type of pet animal you were looking for or something?"

"No! I can't have a whole person as my familiar! That is impossible! Familiars are little animal companions for wizards!"

"I don't know anything about that, i'm just an ordinary guy studying astrology and engineering, how on earth- If this even is earth did I get mistaken for a familiar?"

"Wait, astrology? Engineering? Those are not- Wait, are you..."

Oh no, she is onto something, is this some weird storybook situation?

Why me? Why?

I'm honestly very irritated. 

"Look, I understand that you made a mistake, we all do, that's the wonder of being human, but I was not brought here voluntary. I have my own life to lead, and this summoning thing was not something I planed. Would you kindly just bring me back?"

The frustration seeps into my voice.

"Oh, um, yes! I'll do it!"

She is nervously going through the pages.

"Ok, this might work! Stay in the circle!"

"Wait, what are you doing? Ah, screw it, as long as it takes me back." 

She raises her wand as I stand in the circle, the gunpowder, or whatever it is, starts glowing red.

But nothing happens. The powder is grey again and i'm just standing here.

"Oh no! How did that not work? Now i'm here with a familiar who is not a familiar, oh no..."

This is not going the right way...

"Well? Try it again!"

Anger seeps into my voice.

"I... I can't. Tomorrow, I have to deliver my assignment on familiar summoning tomorrow..."

This is definitely not going the right way...

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