PART 4: The class

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I'm being carried around.

Being a cat is actually not hard, Mokka is literally carrying me everywhere, I have actually hardly moved on my own.

But I still am muted, reduced to meows, purrs and hisses, not a single word can come out of my mouth.

Mokka and Sunny are just chatting, Sunny's parakeet does not do anything, its listening to every word Sunny tells it to do. I have to act just as obedient as that when my time comes.

Let's also mention that I have fur... I don't know where my clothes went when I was transformed, I can still feel them somehow, but I can also feel that I have fur and claws.

Its all very surreal, but I have to live with it a little longer and then i'll be human again.

The girls enter a room.

A relatively large room, with benches and chairs, a classroom.

There are two people already in the classroom chatting.

One is a girl wearing a green dress and a green pointed hat with some leaves attached to the hat band. Her long brown hair and captivating green eyes make her very beautiful.

The other is a guy in a cyan robe and wearing a cyan pointed hat, with some sort of thunderbolt pattern on it. 

"Hi Laefy! Hi Magnus!" Sunny yells.

Looks like Mokka has an entire circle of friends. It baffles me how they stand out in attire, do all of them pick their own clothes?

The situation is getting stranger by the minute.

I'm now surrounded by people who do things I know nothing of, and they all have a magic animal of sorts, well, except for Mokka.

Playing the role of a silent but obedient cat is like juggling, it looks so easy, but when you try, its hard, and I certainly hope I do not screw this up.

I'll keep my cool and blend in, even if i'm the odd familiar out the bunch.

"Oh, hi girls!" Laefy says.

"Oh, Mokka, is that your familiar? A cat?" Magnus asks as he comes up to me.

"Aww, what an adorable little furball." Laefy says as she pets me over the head

"Oh, yes. This little cat here is my familiar."

This is... Weirdly comforting and I can't tell why.

As Laefy ruffles her hand over head, pressing down my ears, its very touching.

"So what familiars did you get?" Mokka asks.

Laefy goes to what seems to be her desk and grabs something and puts it on her shoulder.

When she comes back, there is a chameleon on her shoulder.

"I know this looks messed up, but it listened to every word I said! Its incredible!"

She pets her chameleon over the head.

Magnus whistles. And soon after that, from some sort of mobile pet home on the ground next to his bench, A raccoon runs up to him, clinging to his legs.

"I don't know how I got this, but I like it!"

This is not looking promising.

A parakeet, a chameleon and a raccoon, and i'm just a little grey cat.

I feel like i'm lacking flair, its really not hard to feel the inferiority among the other familiars. 

I might be cute, but who says being cute will get me the pass? I'll just hope Mokka has a wildly good explanation... 

I'll just have to rely on my feline charm to get me through the current situation, its better than nothing. 

"So, me, Mokka, Laefy, Magnus, who are we missing?" Sunny says.

"Me." A smug voice says, entering the classroom.

Then I see a girl, wearing a black dress, black pointed hat with a purple rose embedded on it.

She has red eyes that look like they can stare right through you.

On her shoulder there is a black crow, probably her familiar.

Its a very stark contrast from the others.

"Lucy..." Sunny says, her uplifted mood is gone all of a sudden.

The atmosphere in the room shifts, as if it has detected Lucy's arrival.

She comes into class, everyone remains silent.

Then she comes to Mokka and me.

"Really? You have a cat? That is adorable, really." She says.

Wow. I really expected more sarcasm out of that voice. But it sounds legit.

She is opening her heart up because i'm apparently really cute.

Maybe she has a soft side under that freezing strange personality she shines out.

Or maybe the impression I got from her was wrong. I hope so.

Well, soon the spotlight will be on me, or better said: Mokka's familiar.

A man with a blue robe adorned with stars walks into the room.

"Students, to your seats please, and present your familiars." He says with a strong but gentle tone.

Mokka takes me to her bench, as she sits down, she puts me on the desk. I take a seating position and lick my arm to blend in as a cat more.

I guess that man is a teacher.

Everyone seems to have their familiar on their desks.

"Alright, Sunny Hunny, Mokka Cocao, Laefy Botan, Magnus Storm, Lucy Rosel, all of you have well familiars, be sure to keep them like that for your assignment in the afternoon. Now put them away so we can start the class."

Mokka sets me down in a cat bed down by her desk.

And man, this really just feels like Mokka is trying to pamper me until I can get back home.

Curling up in the cat bed, I snuggle against the pillow.

This is really not bad, I can just nap until its time for my presentation.

Mokka seems to be paying close attention and scribbling down notes on paper, while i'm just lying here sleepy in the cat bed, and its the last thing I see before my vision fades to black.

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