PART 5: Pet-sitting

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When I wake up, my eyelids opening slowly, I am... In Mokka's room?

Was I not in a classroom before I started napping?

The bed is near the window, cool outside air blows over my fur.

As I look around, I see Sunny. Sitting there on her bed. Then she sees me, and she smiles at me.

Hold on, did Mokka tell her it or is she just hyperactive again?

I try to speak.


Oh, the spell is not undone, that most likely means she did not tell anything. 

But still, how did I get here?

Sunny comes to me and picks me up, i'm just about preparing for intense cradling like last time.

But she is calm. Huh, strange, I really did not expect that of her.

Somebody knocks on the door.

Sunny puts me down on the bed, I retract my legs under my body, like I have seen some cats do.

She opens the door and its Laefy. Why?

"Sunny? What are you doing with Mokka's familiar?"

"Mokka went to potion class, and familiars are not allowed there, and considering I have the hour off, I proposed Mokka that I pet-sit her Familiar, and she agreed!"

Oh. So that is why. 

This is not Mokka's room, its Sunny's.

"Oh, well, I was wondering, do you have any wackmore herbs? I need them for a homework assignment for brewing."

"I think I do, hold on, I'll get them."

Sunny dips herself into a chest next to the bed, I watch on curiously.

"Aww, look at you, sitting there with your legs retracted like that, you are like a little grey potato!"

Laefy chuckles after she said that.

Wow, I don't show this or anything, but I can literally feel that i'm blushing.

Thank god i'm just a cat, if Laefy knew who I really was, that would be so embarrassing!  

Sunny gives her a pat on the shoulder from behind.

"Got them!" She says, holding a white plant with a yellow bud on it.

"Yup, those are the ones I need, thanks, Sunny, I would have need to go outside to gather them if it was not for you. I own you one."

Sunny waves goodbye to Laefy, she does it back, and then she waves to me.

Sunny then turns to me.

"Oh! I know what kitties like you absolutely LOVE!" She yells with excitement.

She reaches into a cupboard in the far end of her small room, above a counter.

Its like a little kitchen. In fact, that was also in Mokka's room.

If I try to understand this place, I think its a school for wizards, and they all sleep here,like a boarding school. They all have their own identical tiny rooms, where they store things for assignments, cook, and sleep.

Starting to understand this place, I think. Its a mystical world I have gotten lost in.

Sunny returns with a bowl and a glass bottle filled with milk. I jump down of the bed and approach her.

She sets down the bowl and fills it with milk.

"Go ahead, drink! You must be thirsty, right?"

Playing along, I lick the milk several times, its just milk, not like it would kill me or anything.

While I look like a cat, my senses, including my taste, has remained the same. 

And drinking milk with out a glass or being able to just pour it in my mouth is odd.

"And? Good? No longer thirsty?" Sunny asks, a very joyful tone in her voice.

I meow in response.

"Aww, thanks!"

Wow, she misunderstood that hard. it makes me feel strange, what if when I go back, what will a cat mean if it meows at me?

I don't really get the chance to think, as Sunny picks me up and drops on her bed with me, her hat falling on the floor.

And... She is cuddling with me. What a surprise.

I scratch her hand, I don't want this!


Oh no! That scratch went harder than I wanted!

Sunny has a scratch wound on her hand now, its bleeding lightly.

"Owie! Was that really necessary? I just wanted to play with you..."

She says with a very saddened tone as she goes to her counter to wash her wound.

I honestly feel bad now. That was not my intention, really, I just wanted her to stop squeezing me against her.

And then again, i'm not a cat! I know Sunny does not know this, but she can at least have some form of respect. 

Sunny comes back, the scratch is not that bad, phew.

"Well, little rascal, why don't you get some more nap time then?"

She picks me up and puts me down in the cat bed.

"I know you only trust Mokka, but i'm not a bad person, I swear! I love cats as a matter of fact!"

I stare with a neutral expression, Sunny goes to her parakeet in a cage she hung against a coatrack. 

She gets a bag of what looks like birdseed and pours a handful on her hand. She is feeding her parakeet.

Well, I am no longer important then, i'll just get back to napping, i'm tired from the cuddling anyway.

Cat to the studentWhere stories live. Discover now