PART 2: Cat

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I'm disappointed seeing the failed attempt to get me back.

"So, now what? Standing around is not going to do much!"

"Well, is it ok if we make a deal? Tomorrow I have to present my familiar to the class, and I can't fail this! I can't afford another low grade... If you play along tomorrow, i'll try again and get you back as soon as i'm free for the day!"

"I can't be your familiar, Mokka. I am not one."

"It will just be for a day! After that, no more familiar! I promise!"

"Ok... I'll play along, if its just a day..."

"Really? Thanks! Just one thing, I can't have my familiar be a person! They might think I cheated! But I have a solution! Hold still please!"

Hold still? What is she planning? I hope its nothing too... Magical. I have had enough weird experiences for tonight, but perhaps this is just some sort of disguise?"

A ray comes out of her wand, it hits me. My vision is covered in smoke.

When I regain, i'm... Smaller? I try to speak, but a "Meow!" is all that comes out of me.

"Aww, I turned you into a little kitty! That is just so adorable!"

Oh no, she turned me into a cat! I can't believe it, i'm a tiny adorable furball now, but this is not what I expected!

She picks me up. I struggle and scratch in retaliation.

"Hey, calm it! I turned you into a cat so you don't draw any attention, that does not mean you have to act like one!"

She suddenly freezes.

"Wait, I did not deliberately turn you into a cat, right? Oh no! Um, blink twice if its still you!"

I blink twice rapidly to answer her. Blinking to communicate? What did I just get myself into?

"Phew, now lets go to my room, we will have less unnecessary attention there."

She walks out. Christ, being carried around like this, as a cat nonetheless, is so surreal!

I see a hallway, a lot of people with colorful robes and hats. Is this some sort of school for wizards?

Mokka is so slow! She even stops to talk to people!

"Oh, Gengi?"

"Oh hi, Mokka, came back from the library? Is that grey little furball your familiar? Its so adorable!"

"Ha, I think so too, although I don't think the feeling is mutual..."

I hiss angrily. This is so embarrassing!

"Well, I have to go now, preparing for the assignment in my room, you know?"

Gengi waves goodbye.

Finally! Mokka is in her room! That took ages!

"Alright, oh, I could also do this..."

She points her wand at me and another ray hits me.

"There, you should be able to talk now!"

"Finally! I can talk, thanks! Listen, not to be rude, but this is ridiculous. me, a cat? Turn me back, please!"

Relief washes over me as I can speak again, but i'm still trapped in this feline body.

"Tomorrow, Evan, for my assignment tomorrow, you have to be a cat! Its something simple, I also could have just turned you in a lizard or something."

"Fine... Its just one day."

"Well, if you want to go home, you will have to."

This is not the situation I expected. Now I have to be a cat for a day, not cool!

"Oh, I also have to mark my familiar. Just let me put this on you..."

She reaches for my neck with a gold colored collar.

Heck no! Being a cat already stretches things far enough!

"No, I don't want to wear a collar! Being a cat is enough!"

"You have to! If they see you tomorrow unmarked, they might think you are an ordinary street cat, and then they will throw you outside! Then there is no more turning back human and no more going home... And probably a failing grade for me..."

She puts the collar on me. Its feels like i'm wearing a choker...

This is getting stranger and stranger by the minute. I'm not only a cat now, I also have a collar to my neck now.

It feels like a leash that tethers me to a situation I can't escape from.

"Now, if I open this drawer, you can hop in and sle-"

No! If I have the rights to one normal thing, its sleeping!

I ignore the drawer and hop on the back of the bed, curling up in a sleeping position.

"Come on! Fine, you can sleep there, but don't scratch my legs or anything while i'm sleeping!"

She gets into a sleeping robe and crawls under the blankets.

"Hey, Evan, I'm sorry again, tomorrow you will be back to normal. Good night."

"Good night Mokka, I certainly hope you keep your promise."

Curling up near the end of bed is something that feels most like normal sleeping.

I guess there are bright things about being a cat. For now i'll just sleep.

Cat to the studentWhere stories live. Discover now