PART 6: The assignment

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I am woken up because somebody is softly shaking me.

As I open my eyes, I see its Mokka.

"Its time." She whispers to me.

Oh man, now its time.

I woke up to Mokka's soft voice and touch, and now i'm in the designated classroom, the same on as before, and with the exact same people: Mokka, Sunny, Laefy, Magnus and Lucy.

All of it abruptly pulls me back into this strange world.

It scares me that I slept so long, am I really turning into a cat?

No, that is not possible, i'm still human!

Mokka pets me over my head, I can't tell if that is to blend in or wish me luck.

She seems very nervous... I can understand that, its all down to me now.

I'm still lying in the comfort of the same cat bed, do they carry this thing around? 

A lot of questions are still on my mind.

But now, its time.

"Mister Storm, your familiar is passable. This gets a C+."

The teachers voice is very strong and serious sounding as he grades Magnus's  raccoon.

And that triggers my nerves.  

I'm a cat, am I going to be enough to get a passing grade for Mokka?

I can only listen and act, and hope it turns out well.

The teacher comes to Mokka and I am placed on the desk.

"Miss Cocao, a cat?"

Mokka is clearly showing her nerves, I can see her sweating lightly.

"Well, I thought something simple would do..."

I can feel her worry as she presents me. her attempt at trying to pass me on as a simple familiar is balancing on a very thin line.

The teacher observes me, feeling my fur, looking in my ear with some sort of device, and opening my mouth with force to check my teeth.

When he lets go of me with his hands, I meow, trying to add some interactivity to the presentation.

"Alright, miss Cocao, your cat familiar is in excellent health, I see you fed it milk to keep the teeth healthy. Now would you please show that this familiar is obedient to you?"

Mokka picks me up and sets me on some sort of big rug in the front of the classroom.

There are various attributes on it, like a training ground for dogs, those rings they jump through are there.

Mokka comes to me.

"Familiar, stand!" She says in a serious tone, wow, I did never expect her to be like this.

I obey the command and get up from my sitting position.

"Familiar, move!" She points to the attributes. I think she wants me to go through them, like a parkour of sorts.

I go through it, jumping through rings, through a pipe, and platforms that require some real strength as an animal, but are no problem with my human senses and strength. 

The teacher comes forth writing on a clipboard.

"Well, miss Cocao, your cat familiar is in excellent health, it is mobile like no other, and i'll give you bonus points for making it so cute! This familiar get an A!"

He pulls a paper of the clipboard and gives it to Mokka, she lets out a sigh of relief.

She then comes to me and picks me up, returning to the desk and giving me some pets on the head as she puts me down on the desk. That feels like a quiet way of her to say "Thank you".

Well, I stood through it, and there was no problem whatsoever! 

I see that the teacher then goes to Lucy.

"A crow, miss Rosel? Trying something special?" 

"I do my utmost best! This crow familiar here is my finest summoning spell yet!" She responds, smug and perfectionism shining of her.

"Miss Rosel, I see you have taken good care of your crow familiar, its feathers are very soft, unlike the other students with a crow familiar I have seen."

She nods, in a very self-centered manner, as if she is insulting the other familiars, as if she is saying her crow familiar is superior to the other familiars.

"Well, miss Rosel, show the obedience of your crow familiar."

Lucy puts the crow on her shoulder and heads to the rug.

the teacher hangs a bunch of rings with cords from the ceiling using a spell of sorts.

And now for the show, i'm just as interested as everyone in the classroom. 

"Familiar, move!" Lucy says.

The crow flies out of her hands and through the rings, but it seems miserable, there is no motivation or confidence in its movements.

It makes a landing on the other side on the ground, but then it loses control for some reason.

The crow crashes to the ground, Lucy scrambles to pick it up and is petting its little head, but that face... She is not comforting the crow, she is disappointed in the crow.

The teachers sighs.

"Well, miss Rosel, your needs some work on its physical capabilities, but it is passable, your familiar gets a solid C."

As the teacher hands her the paper, it looks like she gets a mini heart-attack.

She sits back down, crow on her shoulder and paper in hand, disappointed.

It really says something about what I initially thought about her.

"Well, students, all of you have well familiars, remember, this is not the last day you will have them, they are now your companion for life. Take care of them and the flaws pointed out here can mend over time."

Then he looks at Mokka.

"And special credit to miss Cocao here, her familiar is the best I have seen in a while! Class dismissed!"

Wow! I have a million thoughts as Mokka exits the class with me in hands.

Is this what it feels to be special?

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