PART 8: Captive

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Lucy is running away from the crowd.

I scratch and act skittish to get her to let go, but damn, she is holding it!

No matter how much I scratch, she is not having it!

"Quit it! If Mokka can get a good familiar, so should I!"

She continues running, squeezing me hard in her arms so i'm unable to do anything.

This is an unexpected turn of events!  

Lucy, in her attempt to get a better grade, has snatched me, but she is also mistaken me for a real familiar.

She is completely unaware of my true nature and thinks i'm a real mystical being.

Now my only hope is that Mokka or any of the others figure out some way to get me out of this situation.

With my limited communication, I have to do something, anything to get her to let me go!

I bite her in the arm, as my paws are curled up.

"OW! Hey, I said quit it! You will learn to obey me, like it or not!"

She reaches a door.

her room. The inside the same as all the others I have seen.

Lucy sets me down on the bed.

I scram and jolt of the bed, towards the door.

I scratch the door, if I have to bust my way out, then so be it!

This way, my claws also have some sort of good use!

But I only manage to get a few scratches at the door before Lucy plucks me of the floor again.

"Don't try! You are mine now!" 

I squirm and reach out my little cat limbs as far as possible in protest.

But Lucy is holding me too tightly, I don't have the complete strength I had as a human to do anything to this situation.

Lucy pulls out her wand and aims at an empty space in her room.

A ray goes there and it causes a big black smoke to appear.

Its clears, and... Its a cage.

She tosses me int he cage and by the time I recover from being thrown, she has already locked the cage door.

"And now, you are going to stay nice and put in there while I go to the library, that book that had the spell for familiar ownership reverse has to have a few more copies I can take one from!"

She leaves, slamming the door shut.

Trapped in a cage and mistaken for a real mystical being... This is a very dire situation.

Its also so crammed in here! The dimensions of the cage allow me to just be able to fit between the roof and floor, and its not exactly very wide: The bars of the cage are just touched by the longest hairs of my fur.

The bars are very thin, but there are lots of them, I can't bite them...

The door of this ridiculously tiny cage is held shut by a lock from the outside, I can't do anything!

I just begin desperately scratching at the bars, its the only thing I can do to escape.

But the bars don't even let a tiny dent get in them, its protected by the spell Lucy cast, I think.


I yell out, hoping Mokka, her friends, anyone hears me.

My time is running out, Lucy is not going to be in the library forever!

And if someone saves me... No matter who, I will make it clear that i'm not a cat!

I can't let Lucy cast that spell, i'm not a familiar, so who knows what the spell will do instead?

If she does that, my situation could alter to something I can't get away from.

But i'm stuck in this cage.... With no way to get out... Crammed inside...


This is getting REALLY desperate.

Every time I hear someone pass by the room I beg that its not Lucy.

The time is ticking, ticking, ticking.

The ticking of the owl shaped clock on the wall feels like its counting away my seconds to live.

I hear someone walk by.

"Please don't be Lucy please don't be Lucy please don't be Lucy!" I think loudly in myself.

But... The door opens, black dress, blood red eyes, fancy high heels...

Lucy is back.

She is holding a book, open on a specific page.

"Alright, kitty, I have an even better idea. First, i'll transfer the ownership of the familiar so you are mine, and then i'll turn you into an owl! That crow was pathetic! I deserve a more majestic familiar, and with that, no one wil even question that Mokka's cat familiar is gone!"

The explanation of her new plan sends shivers down my cat spine.

"Aww, don't you worry, i'm a very kind wizard student, you'll receive very good baths and i'll feed you good. You will get used to it!"

The way she says that says no to me. That crow was not miserable with no reason. She did something to it, and that is the reason. It has to be, I don't believe her!

She opens the cage and points her wand at me, eyes on the book, she starts before closing it.

I close my eyes as well, this is the end of the line...


What was that? I did not feel anything!

I open my eyes, Lucy is standing there, and then she... Falls on the floor?

Then I see them. Mokka and her team of friends.

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