Chapter 10: His Prayers

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"Ya Allah, please make her mine." I prayed, my hands raised in front of me, asking my Creator for the one thing I was sure of now. I wanted Eman and I was willing to wait for her, to pray for her. "Ya Allah, let her be mine in this lifetime, let her be my wife in this dunya and in Jannah."

Maybe it was because I'd seen her in pain and I felt it as my own. Maybe it was the Almighty putting the intention, the feeling in my heart. Whatever it was, here I was, on my prayer mat, asking him for the woman to be mine.

I hadn't seen her since her date at the museum. It had been three days, fourteen hours, and twenty-six minutes since I'd last seen her. I was counting, for God's sake. I was counting the days, the hours, and the minutes since I last saw her. It was driving me crazy. I was driving myself crazy.

But she was safe. She was fine and the thought relieved me. I didn't know if this was how love was supposed to be, if it took one look at her pained expression to feel your own heart shattering, if it was a punch to the gut to see her with another man who didn't treat her the way she deserved to be treated. But I knew I wanted to give her everything she wanted as long as it was within my resources.

I had never prayed for a woman before. I had never felt the need to turn to Allah SWT to grant her to me. But then again, I never expected myself to fall for Eman Hashim of all people. She was so different from me, it was comical that I would want her to be my wife.

Her values, her kindness, her love for others, were what attracted me to her. I liked the person she was. And I believed she would complete my Deen. With her smiles and her charm and her love, she would complete my family.

So, I prayed to Allah SWT for her. I knew He heard me. And I knew if Eman was the one for me, he would bring her to me. He was the one who had brought us into each other's life as acquaintances. He would also be the one who brought us closer together, until she was my spouse. I put my trust in Him. And I was at peace.


Gianna sat at the head of the table in the conference room when I entered. She had her legs crossed, her hands resting on the arms of her chair. Her gaze met mine as I walked in and I turned my eyes away from her.

"Good evening." I greeted her, keeping my eyes downcast as I pulled out a chair and took a seat. The guys had yet to come. I wished they would arrive quickly so I didn't have to spend more time than absolutely necessary with her alone.

"Good evening, Tariq. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good, alhamdulillah. What about you?" I cringed inwardly. I wasn't the best at making small talk. I tried with my clients but it was hard.

"I'm in an exceptionally good mood this morning. I am excited to discuss this project with you guys," She replied, her voice full of cheer. I swallowed as thorns pricked at my skin and my heart. Her cheerful tone reminded me of Eman and how her had voice cracked in the parking lot when she had asked Ahvi to not take her to her house.

It had been four days, twenty-two hours, and three minutes since I'd last seen Eman. Every waking moment, I seemed to be thinking about her. I wanted to know if she was okay but I hadn't yet shared my intentions of pursuing her with Ahvi, so I didn't dare to approach her.

"Earth to Tariq?" A hand waved in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked rapidly as I straightened, glancing at Gianna who was looking at me with a confused look on her face. "Where'd you go?" She raised her eyebrows.

I averted my gaze as I shook my head, trying to get rid of my distracting thoughts. "No where." I cleared my throat as I added, "Do you want to tell me about the new project you're planning to work with us on?"

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