Chapter 61: Always and Forever

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I didn't even see Warda pouncing at Eman. She was standing beside my sister one moment, the next she had thrown herself at my wife. A startled scream sounded from Em but before Warda could get a hold of her, Ahvi inserted herself between the two women.

Her arm wrapped from Warda's middle and she pushed her away from Em. Despite her height, Vi was pretty strong. And I was beginning to be scared of her.

"Hands off the bride, missy." Vi snapped, punching a startled Warda across the face. Gasps rose from the crowd and I heard Fahad and Kabir coax the guests into walking away from this disastrous scene.

"Are you okay?" I turned to my wife. She waved me off, nodding frantically as she walked forward, sidestepping Ahvi and Warda to where Alina was still sprawled on the floor.

"Someone call the damned ambulance." Eman called over her shoulder as she leaned beside Alina.

I sprang into action at her panicked voice, pulling out my phone from my pocket and doing exactly what she'd barked at us to do. Warren, Ren and Jace walked up to Ahvi who had pinned Warda's hands behind her back.

"Let me go." I watched she struggled against her, eyes crazed and hair wild. What was wrong with this woman? I wondered but my train of thoughts was interrupted by the operator on the other end of the line.

As the guys and Vi dragged Warda away and as my wife muttered soothing words to Alina, holding her head against her chest, and as I told the operator what the emergency was, I realized that we could never ever have a moment of peace. It seemed out of our reach, something that wasn't written for us.


Mama, Fahad, Zainab, and Kabir went to the hospital with Alina. Nikhat and Ashraf took up the responsibility of dispersing the guests after dinner and getting the venue cleared. And the guys, Ahvi, Eman, and I stood in the basement of my house, Warda tied up on the floor.

She had screamed and fought her way here, telling us that Hamid would find her, that he would come for her but so far, there was no sign of her lover.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Dubai? Getting it on with Ali's husband?" Ahvi asked. I was quickly realizing she had no filter whatsoever when it came to emotional subjects.

"We flew down to London two days ago because of her." Warda spat, jerking her head toward Eman. My wife stepped closer to me, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. She hadn't cried yet. I knew she wouldn't cry until we were locked in the privacy of our bedroom and she didn't have anyone to be strong for anymore.

"What did Em do?" Jace was the one who spoke up this time. From the look on his face, I was pretty sure he was not past kicking Warda in her gut.

"She insulted me. Multiple times when I was here. I wasn't going to let that go. So Hamid and I came to London, to announce our engagement to Alina and to give Eman exactly what she deserved for every nasty name she had called me.

But when we came here, we got to know that you were holding a wedding reception tonight, so I decided to wait. A scandal would not only ruin Alina and Eman but Tariq and his business would also take a hit. Hamid told me we would drive separately because he had a meeting. I waited for him for some time but then I got impatient and decided to crash your reception myself.

I had just told Alina about our engagement and was going to go for Eman, cause the big scandal when Alina told me to leave. She has grown a conscience, it seems. Said I should get out of here before I hurt you both more than she already has. She tried to physically remove me from the party so I attacked her. Bitches. All of you are bitches." Warda finished, her chest heaving and her cheeks flushed.

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