Chapter 60: The Reception

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My exams flew by in a blur of late nights, thirteen-hour study sessions, Tariq fussing over my caffeine intake, and me and Ahvi pulling all-nighters to hold each other accountable. Ren's apartment was a mess because we usually stayed over at his since Alina was in our house.

She said that she didn't mind if Ahvi came over to spend the night but I thought it would be better if I went over to the Takeda's instead. Alina needed her privacy even though she insisted that she didn't and that she was completely fine.

In the past two weeks she had been staying with us, her and I had grown close. It was weird at first to find her smiling at me or asking my opinion on things. But I decided I liked it. We had put the whole Warda thing behind us. Tariq hadn't because he was still reserved with his sister when it came to our marriage.

His reservations were understandable and I didn't push him to forgive her. He could do it in his own time, if he wanted to forgive her at all. But knowing my husband, I knew that he eventually would. That was one of the things I loved about Tariq. And how he always had his arm around me when we were in a gathering like he did now.

The living room was occupied by Zoya, Fahad, the four musketeers, Alina, and yours truly of course. The seniors had come to London after Alina had broken the news about her divorce to her mother over FaceTime. Tariq and I had been with her, the former holding her hand as she did.

"But even if he wants to marry that skank, why divorce you? I thought Muslim men were allowed to have four wives?" Ahvi asked, a frown settling between her brows. Jace elbowed her as I shot her a warning glare. "What? I'm curious." She added, swatting her boyfriend's arm away.

"He can but he wants to start a new life with Warda." Alina answered, eyes dry. This was the first time she had talked about her husband and his new wife without breaking down. It was a small win.

Zoya watched her daughter with a heartbroken expression on her face. Ever since she'd come to London, she hadn't left Alina alone for even a moment. I had seen the two talking and whispering almost all day. It was heartwarming to see a mother so completely there for her daughter.

"But we have to give credit where it's due." Jace tucked his arms behind his head.

"What do you mean?" Tariq frowned.

"Warda was here, agonizing Em, playing the perfect pawn for Ali, while she was trying to bag the latter's husband. She played four people at once. That's genius." Jace responded, a sour expression taking over his face. "I so want to find Hamid and beat him into a pulp and probably unleash Harley on Warda." He added, scowling.

"God, I have always wanted to rip the woman's hair off." Ahvi chimed in, leaning into her boyfriend.

"I am the one who brought her into your lives. I deserve some of that scorn too." Alina smiled meekly at our friends. "I'm sorry, Jace. For everything I said to you that day at the office."

"I forgive you, Ali. You wanted what was best for your brother. You just realized too late that he already had the best he could get." Jace waved her off, shooting me a smile.

I beamed at him. Jace and I bantered like kids, acted like kids, and the others sometimes thought of us as immature and outgoing but he got me in a way no one else did. Not even Ahvi. He was the brother I never had and the way he always looked out for me, even when I wasn't in the same room, made my heart all the more fonder for him.

"He really did get the best." Alina answered, bumping her shoulder with mine. She was sitting next to me, Zoya on her other side. Tariq was perched on the second couch, the guys beside him. Fahad had taken the armchair and Ahvi was sitting on the armrest of the couch beside Jace. It would have been the perfect moment if it hadn't been for the heavy topic we were discussing.

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