Chapter 3 - Morning

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"Look how cute they are", someone says in the morning. I mumble Gibberish half a sleep and press my face against Drew's chest. "Shut up and keep recording!" i can hear Darew's voice. Just then i understand that Darew and Kevin are standing next to eatchother by the bed. Kevin is holding a camera, recording me and Drew while Darew is laughing his ass of next to him. I laugh and try to wake up Drew by shaking him. "Mh.. Hunny not yet", Drew mumbles still sleeping, he wakes up to Kevin replying: "MMM! Hunny not yet!" Kevin repeats Drew's words in a girl like voice. At the same time Kevin makes it more dramatic by sighing deeply. "Kevin shut up!" Drew laughs to his little brother. 

Lucifer comes to get the others out of the room. "Well, well, little kids. Let's let them wake up in their own peace idiots", Lucifer says, seeming to be in a good mood. 

When the boys shut the door behind them i turn back into Drew's hands. Drew chuckles. "Sleepy head", he says with a deep morning voice. "Mh", i answer and press a kiss on Drew's neck. "Pervert sleepy head", Drew adds. 

When i sit by the breakfast table i show a pic of our cat to Kevin with my phone. I had started to learn trough school that Kevin is a cat person. Kevin's eyes light up and he begins to smile. "What a beautiful fur load!" Kevin says that makes me brust into a laughter. "Fur load?" i ask, still giggling. "Obviously! Drew has fed it well!" Kevin continues and points at the picture. Drew looks at us with puppy eyes. "It needs to eat!" he defends himself, i smile at him. 

Lucifer bends down to look at the picture too. "There is nothing wrong with that kitty", he decides and smiles. "Very cute", he adds before turning back to his breakfast. When Xavier suddenly bends down to look too, Drew puts his hand on my side probably thinking about the incident between me and Xavier, when Xavier almost killed me jealous to Drew. 

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