Chapter 2- Lost in a moment

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Y/N's POV:
I was in disbelief that I had to work with Ellie for the whole year. Maria did not seem to catch on to the mutual hatred between Ellie and I. I looked at Ellie from the corner of my eye and saw her looking right back. Those eyes, that look was something I've only ever seen in her eyes. Was it hatred, anger, disgust, malice? I wasn't sure but it was enough to send shivers down my spine. "So Ellie this is your new co-worker Y/N. Please help her/them with training and go over rules, lunch breaks and duties." Maria said sternly and turned around and left back to what I think is her office. Ellie hasn't said a word so nor did I. "I'm going to go over basic rules and duties and that's it, okay?" Ellie said. It sounded like a question but I knew better than to answer so I just kept quiet. "So we open at 8am and close at 5pm on weekdays and on weekends we open at 8am and close at 2pm. Arrive at 7:45 and neaten up the café do some light sweeping, wiping counters and setting up tables, we'll take turns doing all of that. We work 5 days and on my days off someone will fill in for me and on your days off someone will fill in for you so you don't have to work alone. We take turns locking up shop but it's usually Maria or me, but make sure to clean up before closing time so you don't have to rush in the morning. You can take your break whenever but not when I take my break or when it's busy.Got it?" She asked, her voice was so husky it made me nervous, god she is annoying. "Mmh." I said and walked off not knowing what to do with myself. Ellie didn't do anything when I scurried away from her she just got back to her job. I found myself wandering into the kitchen only to be met with someone else. A boy around my age, he looked small. His hair was dark, messy and short, he had high cheekbones, a strong jaw, scars on his cheeks and he looked extremely focused. I didn't realise I was staring till he spoke to me. "Hi do you need help?" He asked. "Uh no I'm new here." I replied. His all so serious face broke into a smile and he approached me. "My name is Lev I do the baking and cooking over here." He said happily and extended a hand for me to shake. I shook his hand gently "I'm Y/N I'm doing training over here it's my first day." I introduced myself. "So why aren't you out there?" He questioned. "Let's just say it's tense." I said the word tense quietly in case Ellie could hear, I didn't want drama.  "Is Ellie giving you a hard time?" He asked raising his eyebrows and folding his arms. I didn't answer and Lev took this as a yes. "Well excuse her because she can be a real asshole sometimes, but I'm here almost everyday so I'll teach you everything you need to know. How about a tour?" He kindly offered. I was starting to enjoy the company of this Lev boy he really is a sweetheart. "So this is the kitchen no I mean this is MY kitchen where all the magic happens. When you take food or dessert orders bring them and leave them here." He said and pointed to some receipt rack. "Sometimes I work on new baking concepts so if you want you're welcome to try them. You can be like those people who taste the food." He said in awe. I giggled "Lev you mean a food taster." And he nodded. "So this is where drinks are made." And he points to where Ellie is standing and occupying herself with something. "Do you know how to make the drinks? Because as good as a chef I am drinks are not my forte." Lev asked me. "Um no." I said. He rolled his eyes and muttered something I couldn't comprehend. "Ellie you know you do have to teach her/them what to do or I will tell Maria. She's/they're new stop being an ass." Lev's tone totally changed and he looked super irritated. Ellie just looked up as if she didn't get shouted at by Lev. "She/they wandered off and that's not my problem." She hissed through her teeth. "Can you just do what you're meant to do or do I have to tell Maria to call in Abby to take your place for the day?" Lev questioned, arms folded and lips in a frown. "Whatever." Ellie replied and gave me that same dirty look. "Just watch what I do and I'll explain." She said arms folded. "Oh Y/N I'll give you that tour when you're on your break see you then." Lev waved goodbye and entered the kitchen. "Already trying to get with the first person you can." She scoffed. I rolled my eyes not wanting to give her too much of a reaction. Working with Ellie was like walking on eggshells, everything was so tense it made me want to run onto the street and get knocked by a car. Her petty side remarks were making me want to slap her, but it's just the first day. Sometimes it was hard to think we were even friends at one point in life. I don't entirely blame her for hating me but I also don't know why she hated me this much. The moment I was allowed to take a lunch break I ran for the hills. "You look exhausted." Lev said in a concerned tone. "I'm okay just a lot of work." I huffed. "You can eat in MY kitchen if you'd like." He offered with much emphasis on the 'my'. "That would be lovely." I said and smiled at him. It felt refreshing to be around Lev he didn't stare daggers into my back and he was definitely not mean. "Do you know Ellie?" He questioned. My eyes went a little wide and luckily I managed to not choke on my sandwich. "Yes I do." I replied. "Why do you hate each other?" He asked. Damn does this boy not know that he is being inquisitive. "Let's just say it's a long story." I said meeting his curious gaze. "We have time." He gestures towards the clock on the kitchen wall. Gosh he really wanted to know the story well I might as well give him one. "Me and Ellie were extremely close like we used to tell each other everything close. She even came over for sleepovers and we used to have so much fun together. She used to tell me these god awful stupid puns." I laughed to myself. Lev was leaning forward against the table eager to hear more. "Me and Ellie became friends in grade 2 and we planned everything especially for our high school duration. She was the first person I told that I like girls and I was the first person she told that she likes girls. Ellie really liked this popular girl named Riley who was a year 9 when we were in year 8." I said. "Don't tell me you outed her." Lev gasped. "No, no it was a glass closet with her anyways. She never told anyone that she liked Riley except for me and surprise, surprise I liked Riley too." I said. Lev gasps again and this time he even covers his mouth. "Then what?" He asks. "Hey you can't sit in here the whole day!" Maria shouts at Lev and I from the entrance of the kitchen. "Sorry about that it won't happen again." I apologise. Lev looks upset but I pat his shoulder to comfort his loss of gossip time. "It was getting so good." He groaned. "Tomorrow okay." I said and scurried out the kitchen.

As the day passed the tasks and the job became a lot easier. I was glad the customers liked me but girls really seemed to like Ellie and she seemed extremely oblivious to it all. Apart from the annoying bitch attitude Ellie is not that ugly I obviously don't find her hot but I see why girls like her. Finally the end of the day came and it was closing time. "You did well today kiddo I'll see you tomorrow and it's just training so no pay yet." Maria reminded me. "Thanks." I said and smiled. Lev had left earlier because he finished his kitchen work so I guess I was walking alone. Maria told Ellie and I to go on because she wanted to lock up. I was desperately hoping Ellie would go in the other direction. My luck she did not ugh. I walked slowly behind her because I was in no mood to catch up with her. She was wearing earphones anyways so I'm sure she didn't notice. I could hear her music from all the way over here. Her lips were moving, was she singing? This intrigued me. I strained my ears to listen more until I realised once it was too late I'd caught up to her. Is she going to kill me was my first thought. I don't think she noticed yet. I knew the song it was lost in a moment by sad lovers and giants "Maybe you didn't notice we've lost it all." She said that part loudly and looked me directly in the eyes as if she knew I were straining my ears to hear the song. It felt like she was telling me this which made my poker face drop. She shouldn't flatter herself not even a maggot would look in her direction. When I looked next to me again she was gone and walking fast away from me. At least she knew her place. So awkward.

My mum wasn't home when I was back and I knew tonight she would only be back at around 11pm. I rang Dina and she immediately answered. "Hiii my working best friend. How was it? Did you get the job?" She excitedly bombarded me with questions. "I got the job, but..." I sighed. "But?" She questioned voice laced with concern. "Ellie works with me." I finally managed to say. "Oh." Was all Dina's pretty mouth could say. There was a moment of silence. "Did you talk to her?" She asked. "Apart from work no and she's an annoying rat , who would torture themselves by talking with her?" I replied. "You're right, but maybe you should try to be friends, because you have a whole year ahead to work with her." Dina reminded me. "Gosh Dino don't remind me of how much torture I have left with her. What did I do in my past lives to deserve this." I groaned. "It's not that bad at least she didn't kill you." Dina said and laughed. "Being around her is like emotionally dying and looking at her makes my eyes dry." I groaned again. "Gosh Y/N calm down try to be positive." Dina attempted to reassure me. "I need the money. Oh on the bright side I made a new friend his name is Lev he looks 12 but he's 17." I giggled at the thought of small Lev prying for information on my everlasting rivalry with Ellie Williams. "See you're even laughing positivity is the way to go!" Dina exclaimed. "You're right if I make something horrible of it, it will be horrible." I replied. "So when do I get free coffee?" She asked. "Well you know Lev was telling me that sometimes he experiments with new recipes and maybe I can bring some back for you if they're good." I suggest. "I could kiss you right now Y/N." Dina practically screamed into the phone. I hear Jesse in the back in utter shock "Babe did you just say you wanna kiss Y/N?" We both burst out laughing. "Hey Dino I'm going to go eat now I'll let you know how things go tomorrow." I say. "Bye n/n don't let the bed bugs bite." Dina says and cuts the call. I went down stairs to map out my food options. I could have leftovers or make a readymade pizza or something like that. I was unsure of what I wanted and then my phone buzzed.

*Unknown number added you to The Tipsy Bison*

Huh who got my number I don't remember putting it on my CV, but I probably did. But I don't remember telling Maria or even Lev. I'll just message the number.

                   *unknown number*

You: Hey who is this?
Unknown: Ellie
I felt strong urges to throw my phone out the window how does she even know my number?
You: How'd you get my number?
Ellie: Contact list

I left it at that because I didn't want to talk to her anyways and she already answered my question so no need to press for more information. She would only irritate me more. I saved Maria's number to my phone as well as Lev's number. After deciding on leftovers for dinner I began to feel sleepy. I wanted to stay up till my mum came home and tell her all about my day but my eyes didn't let me continue staring at the door waiting for my mother to come in.

A/N: I genuinely hope this is good and all chapters are song references so you can google them if you want to listen!!!

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