Chapter 5- Eyes without a face pt 2

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Ellie's POV:
"You can go wait outside I just need to lock the doors now." Maria said to me. I obediently left and waited outside for Maria. As she came out of the café I felt a sense of relief knowing I could go home and play as much PlayStation as I want without Maria saying I have work tomorrow. "Y/N left her/their bag." Maria said and held it up in front of my face. "And?" I raised an eyebrow and questioned. "You're going to go give it to her/them." Maria ordered. "Sorry my work hours are over I don't take orders." I replied not budging. She shoved Y/N's bag in my hands and said "I'll text you the address." I groaned knowing the last thing I wanted to see right now was Y/N. "You two need to get along eventually." Maria muttered which caused me to scoff. I looked at the address noticing it wasn't too far from Maria's place. I looked at it knowing I didn't even need Maria to send it. I haven't been there in ages. I felt as if I were walking to my death. I noticed pins and patches on Y/N's bag it was (favourite band) and (favourite singer), kind of cool. It felt weird walking this route again especially considering I haven't done so in years. It wasn't long which made me annoyed knowing I'd have to see her/their face again. I finally made my way to the door and rang the doorbell. No one answered so I rang it again in annoyance, I seriously don't have time for this. I heard Y/N shouting something and I was truly hoping Mrs L/N answers. The door was aggressively opened which made me wince in the slightest. I was met with Y/N's e/c eyes staring in what probably is disgust. I glared right back. Looking at Y/N for this short time allowed me to take in just how attractive she/they looked and thinking this made me want to kick myself. "Maria sent me. You left this." I said slightly irritated. Why would I willingly be here? "Thank you I really appreciate it. Do you want some water?" Y/N offered. Her/Their tone was now soft and kind I could die what is this? "No." I said and walked off. I felt my face get red probably because of the second hand embarrassment I felt for Y/N right now. Not because I thought she/they were cute. Dina was eyeing me so I waved and she just muttered a "Hey Ellie." I walked as fast as I could and the moment I reached Maria's house I fell onto my bed. Ugh gross I need to tell Kat everything. I phoned her and it was ringing but she took a while to answer. "Oh hey Els. What's up?" Cat asked as she answered. "Just wanted to talk." I replied. "Yeah how was work?" She asked. "It's okay gosh Maria made me go to Y/N's house because she/they left her/their bag at the café." I groaned. "And?" Cat questioned a bit tired of the subject. "It was awkward." I said. "Well you hate each other so no shit. I think you talk about her/them way too much." Cat replied. "No!" I said defensively. I only ever talk about Y/N when she/they does/do something stupid or annoying. "Well whatever. Are you still coming to the party on Monday?" She asked. "Yeah I have no work." I said excitedly. "Oh yeah? Then we have to have a movie night tonight come over right now!" Cat exclaimed. "Will there be food and snacks?" I asked as a joke. "Duh." Cat said and I could feel her rolling her eyes on the other side of the screen. "I'll see you in about half an hour." I packed a few things to stay the night and made sure to tell Maria where I'd be going. Maria was sweet, but feels the need to know details about these things. Cat and I were a complicated situation to some people but not to each other. Call me a true lesbian if you want, but being friends with my ex doesn't mean I still like or love them. I dated Cat in year 10 and it was super chill and we broke up on good terms so I don't see the harm in being her friend. I took an Uber to Cat's house and when I got there she was waiting outside for me. "Dude it's cold why are you waiting outside?" I asked looking at her like she's crazy. "Because I'm so excited." She exclaimed. "About?" I questioned her again. "Well you're helping me out with the party and I may or may have not met someone super cute." She said with a small grin. "Still no need to wait in the cold." I said with a chuckle. We made our way inside and I was greeted by Cat's house keeper and father. "You've been here a million times and you always forget to take your shoes off." She groaned. "Oh yeah sorry my bad." I said and removed my shoes and left them on the shoe rack. "White people shit." Cat teased. I couldn't help but laugh. "So your parents are fine with the party?" I asked as we walked upstairs. She shushed me and glared. "Obviously not, but they're going for some marriage anniversary holiday to the Maldives so they're not going to be here." She explained. "Yeah, because your parents allowing a house party surely means the end of the world." I joked. She just rolled her eyes and strolled over to her bed. "So any movies in mind?" I asked. "Saltburn just came out." She said with a grin. "Never heard of it." I shrugged. And with that we were watching Saltburn. After watching the movie we just looked at each other and burst out laughing. "You know it wasn't the bathroom scene that bothered me it was the grave scene." She said with a stifled laugh. "The movie was shot beautifully but it was kind of predictable." I said truthfully. Cat nodded in agreement. We spent the night talking about movies, music and girl problems. After realising it was 3am we decided to go to sleep. I cuddled Cat and she stroked my hair. "Tomorrow is going to be amazing." She said sleepily. "You know it." I mumbled half asleep.

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