Chapter 7

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The day of Presentation is finally upon us.

We enter the box canyon about the Gauntlet. The golden trees in the valley surround us quite a beautiful site.

The dragons are laid out in their own formation. Keeping a close eye on us as we begin the walk by.

"Let's go, Second Squad, you're up next," Garrick says, beckoning us with his marked hand.

"Into formation," Garrick orders. I couldn't help but notice how good he is at leading. His voice strong and almost captivating.

Garrick's hazel eyes skim over us, seeming to look me over twice. "Hopefully Aetos has done his job, so you know that it's a straight walk down the meadow. I'd recommend staying at least seven feet apart—"

"In case one of us gets torched," Ridoc mutters.

"Correct, Ridoc. Cluster if you want, just know if a dragon finds disfavor with one of you, it's likely to burn the whole lot to weed one out," Garrick warns, holding our gazes for a beat. "Also, remember you're not here to approach them, and if you do, you won't be making it back to the dormitory tonight."

"Can I ask a question?" Luca says from the front row.

Garrick nods, but the ticking of his jaw says he's annoyed. I can't blame him. Luca annoys me, too. Always putting herself before others and then trying to tear them down.

I don't think I feel that sad that I won't see her after today.

"Third Squad, Tail Section of Fourth Wing already went through, and I talked to some of the cadets..."

"That's not a question." He lifts his brows.

Yep, he's annoyed.

"Right. It's just that they said there's a feathertail?" Her voice pitches upward.

"A f-feathertail?" Tynan sputters. "Who the hell would ever want to bond a feathertail?"

"Professor Kaori never told us there would be a feathertail," Sawyer says.

"I know because I memorized every single dragon he showed us. All hundred of them."

"Well, guess there's a hundred and one now," Garrick replies, he gives me another once over.

Why does he keep looking at me?

"Relax. Feathertails don't bond. I can't even remember the last time one has been seen outside the Vale. It's probably just curious. You're up. Stay on the path. You walk up, you wait for the entire squad, you walk back down.

It really doesn't get any easier than this from here on out, kids, so if you can't follow those simple instructions, then you deserve whatever happens in there." He turns and heads over to a path before the canyon wall where the dragons are perched.

We follow, breaking away from the crowd of first-years.

"They're all yours," Garrick says to the quadrant's senior wingleader.

She nods and dismisses him. "Single file."

We get into formation with Violet behind me and Rhiannon behind her.

We began walking and Tynan who was in front of me would not stop blabbing.

I made sure I walk a little slower than him so if a dragon does find disfavor in him, I won't get caught in the crossfire. His death could be sooner that I think.

"They're a little bigger than I thought they would be," Rhiannon says, her voice rising. "Not that I didn't see the ones at Parapet, but..."

I look over my shoulder to see her wide gaze flickering between the path and the dragons. She's nervous.

Celestial: Garrick TavisWhere stories live. Discover now