Chapter 9

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Now that I have a dragon I have been assigned my own room which was better than the other noisy, cramped room.

I have more privacy in what I do.

As I walk out my room, I see Violet limping out into the hall.

"Good morning, Vi." I give her a wide grin, turning my head to the right.

Her room is just right of mine.

"Good morning, M. How did you sleep?"

Truthfully, I have not slept well the past few days. The kiss being the reason, I just can't get it out of my head.

Like it's haunting me.

"I've slept better." I answer her, the sound of a door opening steals my attention.

Rhiannon's door, across the small hall from Violet's, opens and I see Sawyer's tall, lean frame come out. He runs his fingers through his hair, and when he sees me, his eyebrows rise and he freezes—his cheeks almost as red as his freckles.

"Good morning." Violet grins.

"Violet. May." He forces an awkward smile and walks off, headed toward the main hallway of the first-year dormitory.

Rhiannon walks out of her room and smiles as soon as she sees Violet. "No more breakfast duty?"

"I was told last night that all the less desirable duties were being handed off to the unbonded so our energy can be redirected for flight lessons." Violet replies.

"One more reason for the unbonded to hate us," Rhiannon mutters.

"So, Sawyer, huh, Rhi?" I smirk at her as we start down the hall.

A grin curves her lips. "I felt like celebrating." She darts a quick side-eye at me and then Violet. "And why have I not heard of you celebrating?"

We melt into the crowd moving toward the gathering hall. "Haven't found anyone I want to celebrate with." Violet replies.

"Really? Because I heard that you and a certain squad leader had a moment last night."

My gaze whips toward Violet. She had her little moment which Dain? Gross.

"Come on, Vi. The entire quadrant was out there, and you don't think someone saw you?" She rolls her eyes. "You're not going to get a lecture from me. Who gives a shit if it's frowned upon to be in a relationship with a superior officer? There's no regulation, and it's not like any of us is guaranteed to live through the day."

"Solid points," Vi admits. "But it's..." Shaking her head, searching for the right words. "It's not like that with us. I'd always hoped it would be, but when he kissed me—there was nothing there. Like. Nothing."

"Don't worry, there is someone out there for you." I reassure her. His name is Xaden.

"What about you May?" Rhi questions.

"I haven't really had anyon—," the kiss floods my mind.

I think I was blushing because Rhi started yelling.

"There is someone! Tell me, who is it!?"

"It's no one important." I look away from them, catching sight of Violet's wide eyes.

"Don't lie there is someone, I can see it all over your face."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I scan the room with my eyes.

They land on Garrick who is sitting next to Xaden at the leadership tables. Our eyes meet but I quickly look away.

I have tried my best to avoid him these past couple of days.

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