Chapter 18

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The first part of War Games is finally upon us.

The seven of us are flying in a formation as we fly near the mountain side.

We break formation into three and four. The four being Liam, Rhi, Vi, and I. It's a smart plan, distract the opposing team by giving them multiple targets. While another team is tasked with taking hold of the egg.

This way they have less of a chance of finding our flag and we win.

And who doesn't love winning?

I keep my eyes open as Ast glides. I have to be careful, this is when Vi finally uses her signet. And Liam also gets hurt.

Ice pellets strike my skin as Ast swerves, tucking her wings to avoid damage.

A stream of fire launches at us as we dodge the ice.

With Ast's speed we avoid it easily, my thighs gripping harder with each lurch of her body.

I've gotten pretty good at maintaining my body on her back that I've been practicing to even stand on her back.

Though it is very difficult because I can be swept off my feet due to her speed.

I see the location of a first winger near the cliff's edge.

"Get me in close, Ast."

"Very well." She tucks her wing again, diving parallel to the cliff, coming in from the side.

The first winger's dragon blows another line of fire, Ast weaves through the air avoiding it.

I raise my palms up and aim for the cliff's edge. Once Ast reaches, I blast a stream of light below the dragon, the cliff's edge crumbles under its feet.

The dragon raises its wing to fly away but I strike again on its wing.

Sorry, but we have a war game to win.

The dragon and its rider tumble down the mountain side.

They aren't dead, just a little injured, enough for them not to interfere.

As we finish, I see Liam and Jack battling it out on Deigh's back.

Vi is going to stop any time now so I need to get to Liam right after he falls.

This will give Violet the time to use her signet.

Surprisingly, Vi never asked me about the stopping time during the Oren attack. Maybe she forgot or didn't want to bring it to my attention.

Liam tries to gain his feet before Jack thrusts the sword through his side.

Dang it, I didn't know it was that bad. I forgot that he gets impaled, I just knew that he gets hurt.


"I know." She darts upward where Deigh is.

"He is going to fall, we need to get there."

"Liam!" I hear Violet scream over the howling wind. I would scream but there is no time for that.

Jack kicks his boot into Liam's stomach, forcing Liam's body off the blade...and Deigh.

Liam falls, his arms flailing as he plummets ahead of us.

"Ast!" I yell watching as Liam falls.

"I'm trying."

Deigh and Baide collide with the tower on the side of the mountain, and I catch sight of Jack rolling to safety on the highest turret.

As I look back I see Liam in Vi's arms. I probably could have caught him if I wasn't distracted by that first winger.

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