Empires season 2

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Jana: Anyway, with Scott of Rivendell's turn done, now it's time for Scott of Chromia.

S2: That's me! (The screen played the clip of Scott meeting all the other emperors at spawn and then settling down in a flower field and building his starter house out of nether wood and planning for a llama to be his best friend.)

DL(Freaking out.): You went to the nether already?!

S2: Well in my life you respawn infinitely so it doesn't really matter if you die as long as your stuff's available when you get back.

DL: And best friends with a llama?

NL: It's not that odd. Martyn has a bunch of snow creepers as friends. All named Colin.

Everyone: What are snow creepers?

NL: Oh. You don't have them in your life.

WC: This is too colorful.

S2: Dye's my export, I need to be colorful. And I like color. I used to be in a travelling circus for a while. That's where I got my acrobatic training and love of llamas.

Everyone: Oh.

S2(Standing up.): Want to see? (And before anyone answered he did a backflip and vaulted onto his hands and walked back to the couch on them.)

Everyone(Clapping.): Well done!

Jana: Okay, I wasn't expecting an acrobatics display in my reacting session, but nice job.

S2: Thank you.

DL: One question, does everyone go to the nether this early?

NL: Not that I'm aware.

WC: Probably not.

S1: No. Unless you're a little crazy.

S2: What? I'm a bit of an oddball and proud of it.

WC: You're starting to remind me of Pris. (The screen played the clips of Scott collecting llamas for every color carpet and making his llama gardens, a couple more of his builds like nether portal and fountain and banner, the clip of him explaining to Shelby what happened to his eye, the clip of him making the llama statue in the great bridge and complaining about Joey's parrot, and the clip of him getting rid of the warden fWhip left in his base.) You are definitely crazy for color.

S1: Wasn't that immediately obvious already?

NL: I get the feeling that all of us love color except for goth witch over there.

WC: Don't call me that, my name is Scott.

Everyone: So's ours!

DL: I honestly can't get why you like llamas so much.

S2: What? They're less annoying than cows and horses, and your Pearl was crazy over having a lot of dogs trailing her like that.

DL: Yeah, but that's Pearl.

WC: I have a llama as a familiar, they're really adorable.

DL: You too?!

S1: There's no accounting for taste. I've got my Archie's for no reason too.

Everyone: Um, yeah.

DL(To NL.): Please don't tell me you've got random pets lying around like that.

NL: I have this wild parrot named Bee who keeps watching the bees around my house and never leaves. Does that count?

Everyone: Probably not, but what?

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