|14| Chapter

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Saanvi POV:

It is the weekend, and I have to take Dhada for the regular checkup. So, I got ready and went to my grandparents' home. As usual, my dhadi fed me loads of food, saying I became so lean. I really don't understand why every time she sees me, she tells me the same.

I took Dhada to the hospital; he said, "Princess, I am really fine. Is it really needed now? I am also taking my tablets correctly." I sighed, saying, "Dhada, seriously, you're behaving like a kid now. It's just a checkup. Why are you so scared?"

He said, "They will give me an injection, Princess." I looked at him, controlling my laugh, as I said, "I will tell Dhruv not to give you any injection, okay?" He nodded happily. I shook my head, thinking, "God, he is such a kid."

As we went inside, we waited for them to call us. After some time, a nurse came calling us in. I went inside to see Dhruv and also a person who looks younger than Dhruv is there, also wearing a doctor coat. I greeted Dhruv as usual; he said, "It's good to see you, Anvi." I smiled, nodding.

He said, "This is Rahul, my junior." I nodded at him as he also nodded. Dhruv said, "I am getting transferred in a few days, Anvi." My grandfather said, "Then what about me, Dhruv?" I placed a hand on his and turned towards Dhruv.

He said, "He will take care of your grandfather from now on, Anvi. Don't worry; he knows everything about him. And trust me, he is the best in the field. He is still studying his final semester, but trust me, I trained him." I nodded as Rahul said, "Well, let's get started." I looked at him and went out waiting.

After some time, my grandpa came out, saying, "Princess, the new kid is really good. He gave me an injection, but I didn't feel the pain at all, you know." I smiled, nodding. I said, "You wait in the car, Dhada; I will talk to the doc and come back, okay?" He nodded, going.

As I went to find Dhruv, I said, "Thank you for all these years, Dhruv. Without you, it would have been really difficult." He smiled, saying, "What are friends for, Anvi? Just call me frequently, updating about grandfather, okay? Also, don't miss me." I punched him. We both hugged and parted.

I was going to the car, I saw Rahul in the cafeteria with some nurses, clearly uncomfortable. So, I just went in, circling my hands around his arm, saying, "Baby, you're here. I was searching for you everywhere."

He looked at me wide-eyed as I signaled him to continue the act. He cleared his throat, saying, "Ah, baby, you're here. I was calling you, but these ladies here kept me busy."

I glared at them, saying, "Is there anything you need from my boyfriend?" They all whispered something, saying sorry. We thought you were single and went away. So, I pulled back, maintaining a distance, as he said, "Thank you so much for that, Ms...?" I said, forwarding my hand, "Saanvi."

He hugged me, saying, "You were a killer back there, thank you." I awkwardly said, "It's fine, doc." He pulled out, saying, "Oh please, call me Rahul." I nodded, asking, "Aren't you getting too comfortable with a stranger?"

He said, "Somehow, you don't seem like a stranger to me, killer." I raised my eyebrow, asking, "Killer?" He said, "Yeah, gotta go, killer, but see you around."

He turned back and walked away. I shrugged my shoulders, thinking maybe he's too extroverted, I went back to the car; my grandpa asked, "Why are you so late, Princess? Come on, let's go home. I am hungry." I nodded, going back home.

By the time we went back, Rishi was there. We all had lunch, laughing and chatting. After lunch, Dhada took me to the swing area in the backyard, and Rishi followed me.

Dhada asked, "So, Princess, did you decide on anything?" I nodded, saying, "I am okay with this marriage, Dhada." Rishi shouted, asking, "Oh, my Di, seriously? I am so happy now. My idol is becoming my jijaji. Woahhh!" Even my Dhada screamed, saying, "Finally, my princess is getting married."

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