|27| Chapter

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Before diving into this chapter, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who made this 100k milestone possible. Your unwavering support, comments, and love have been the driving force behind reaching this incredible milestone. I never anticipated releasing this chapter so soon, but your constant encouragement pushed me to share it today. I am forever grateful for you all. Here's to achieving many more milestones together. 

Happy reading!

Saanvi POV:

I took a deep breath and looked around to see the beautiful sunset and the calming sound of waterfalls is all I hear. I laid on his chest while he is gently stroking my hair.

I wanted to tell him, tell him everything because I know the more I drag, the more I couldn't tell him. He must know this because this has already gone too far. I mean, for God's sake, we are freaking married. Everything happened so fastly. Not that I am complaining that I married him. Anyway, I am overthinking once again.

I said out loud, "I don't know where to start, Aan." He said, "It's fine, Vie. Start from where you feel like to." I nodded, regaining strength. I sat facing him, looking into his eyes, his deep blue eyes which I can get lost in forever. It gave me the strength.

I started saying, "It all began when my father died, Aan. It was on my birthday he met with an accident. I don't remember anything from that day, Aan. I don't know why whenever I ask dhada, he will say that I was in the hospital for some days after my father died, due to the shock of my father's death, maybe I have forgotten, he said."

"My mother was completely shattered by my father's sudden death. Everyone said it was an accident, so I didn't press further. After a year, my mother also passed away due to depression, leaving me alone with Rishi. He was just a baby. I thought dhada would take our custody, but since he earns less, our custody is given to our uncle, my father's brother."

"And that is where everything began. At first, everything was fine. Chachu and chachi were so good to us for one year, and they had a son who is one year older than me. He always was the big brother figure to me, until one day, it's on my 8th birthday, the day I hate the most, the day my life has turned. It was also my father's death anniversary that day."

"Chachu came home fully drunk when his wife asked him where he got all that money to drink. He pointed me, saying, 'She is my gold. She is my weapon. Because of her, I am going to be rich.' I didn't understand what he was saying. When everyone was sad for my father, he was laughing and enjoying around. So, I got frustrated and shouted at him, to which he slapped me back. That was the first time somebody raised a hand against me, Aan."

I stiffened as I said that, so Vihaan hugged me very tightly, making me sit on his laps, where my chest was laid on his back. I continued saying, "From that day, every day, he used to come home drunk and started beating me for some silly reasons. When his wife questioned him, he used to beat her as well. His son, the person I used to call bhaiyya, has also turned against me, joining with his dad."

"For 16 years, I am habituated to their abuse. All I wanted was to make sure was that Rishi to study well. I used to work many part-time jobs so that I can pay Rishi's hostel fee. I sent him away from all of them, and he studied in a hostel from a very young age, Aan. But I was happy that he didn't get to see me getting abused, or else I don't know how he would have felt."

I started crying, to which Aan patted my back and rubbed my hands, silently being my support system. I love how he is being so patient with me.

I continued, "Everything was going regularly. My body was in so much pain, and it had so many bruises and scars from their beatings. One day night, I was eagerly waiting for the day to finish, so that I can finally say goodbye to my high school. For university, I wanted to go somewhere far away from them."

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