|53| Chapter

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Saanvi POV:

When I went to the doctor and gave the samples for the test, Rahul asked, "What is wrong, killer? Are you sick?" I sighed, turning to him, and said, "Promise me you will not shout if I say."

He nodded, so I continued, "I think I am pregnant." His eyes widened as he opened his mouth. I immediately placed my hand on his mouth as he screamed something.

After all his blabbering, I removed my hand, and he said, "I am becoming an uncle! Wooh, woohhh, this is the best news, killer! Congratulations! I am so happy for both of you."

I said, "Wait, Rahul. Before you go and throw a party, let us confirm if I am really pregnant or not." That's when the nurse called me in, and the doctor said, "Congratulations, Mrs. Singhania. You are becoming a mother."

My head is really spinning now. I am becoming a mom? Am I ready to become a mom? But the thing is, even if I am ready or not, I am becoming a mother, and I am more than happy.

When I went out, Rahul looked at me expectantly. I nodded, and he laughed, hugging me, and said, "Let me call bhai." I said, "No, no, Rahul. Let us surprise him at home."

He smiled, nodding, and said, "Of course, killer." After I sat in the car, I said, "I am scared of everyone's reaction, Rahul. According to them, Our marriage was a fake one and now we are having a baby."

He placed his hand on mine and said, "Killer, you are thinking too much. I am sure everyone will be over the moon with this news, killer." I smiled at him, and suddenly, out of nowhere, bullets fired towards our car. I looked back to see some 10 to 20 cars following us.

"What in the hell," Rahul said, "Don't panic, killer. This car is bulletproof, and I am calling bhai." With that, he called Aan, saying, "Bhai, we are being attacked. Some 10 to 20 cars are following us."

Without his reply, the call ended because of the chasing, and the phone broke. I saw my phone, which is already battery dead. I cursed my fate but wished Aan would come and save me.

Now it's not only me but our child as well. I connected my phone to the charger in the car and tried to turn it on. After a few attempts, it finally switched on.

I immediately dialed to him, and he picked up shouting, "Vie, oh my god, where the hell are you? I can't find you people."

I said, "I will share the location, Aan. Make sure you come here as soon as you can. Please, Aan." He said, "Don't panic, Vie. I am coming as soon as I can, and I promise I will not let anything happen to you or our child. You are pregnant, right?" I said, "Yes, Aan."

I could hear the worry in his voice. But that's when I saw two bikes coming to either side of the car and shooting continuously.

I screamed, "Maannn!" Naturally, whenever I am in danger, the only name that comes out of my mouth is Maan, no matter if it is in past life or now.

He said, "Please hang in there, angel. Just 5 mins." Rahul raised the speed, saying, "Killer, it is fine. Please Be calm. It is not good for you or the child."

I tried to stay as calm as possible closing my eyes, but when the car suddenly turned to the left, I opened my eyes to see Rahul is driving in the trees.

I shouted, "Rahul, the signal will not be there." He said, "But this is the only way we can escape them, killer, Don't worry Bhai will find us." After some time, there was no one following us. I sighed internally, but suddenly I saw a car approaching us.

I shouted, "Rahul, look out!" He saw the car and said, "Relax, it's bhai." With that, I got down and ran towards him. When I saw him getting out of the car, I was more relieved, and when he hugged me tight, I felt at ease. As if now, even if the world is against me, I don't care because he will take care of them.

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