|42| Chapter

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Vihaan POV:

Now we are on a plane, currently going on a small trip as she wished. I know there are still a lot more problems waiting for us out there, but I also know she needed a break, so here I am, granting her the wish. No matter what, she will always get whatever she wants.

She is now peacefully sitting on my lap, all curled up, her head near my chest, and she has her headphones on, watching some K-drama. I am just stroking her hair and looking outside the window, thinking about all this.

She called softly, "Aan." I hummed, looking down at her. She looked up and asked, "You said you will burn down the world for me, right?" I chuckled, nodding. She asked again, "You also said I am your world, right? So, you will burn me down?"

WTF? I didn't know how to react to that question. Looking at my terrified face, she just laughed, saying, "Relax, that was a reel in instagram, I was scrolling through insta and got that question. I didn't mean to scare you." I sighed; for a second, I wanted to cry badly for her question.

I smirked, saying, "You should think before teasing me, baby." I tickled her on both sides, to which she laughed so hard, falling down. Yet, I didn't stop. She said, laughing, "Aan, Aan, ple..ase s..top." After some time, I stopped, as her eyes were filled with tears. She slapped my hand, saying, "I hate you, Aan."

I pulled her close, nuzzling into her neck. I said, "I lobe you more, Vie." She shouted, "I said I hate you." I left a trail of kisses along her neck and said, "Your every emotion belongs to me, Vie. Your love, hate, happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, possessiveness, everything. And I love you in all of those states."

She punched my hand once again, hid her head in my chest, and giggled. Soon, she fell asleep in my arms.

When we arrived, it was already evening. I took her directly to our resort. She gasped looking at the resort and asked, "Why aren't there any people here Aan?"

I said, taking our luggage, "I booked the entire resort for 2 days, Vie." She followed me, saying, "You are crazy, Aan." I bent down to face her, kissed her forehead, and said, "I am crazy for you, Vie." She laughed, encircling her arms around my hand.

When we went to the room, she immediately fell on the bed and snuggled inside the bedsheet. She called me, "Aan, come on, let's take some rest. I am tired from the journey." I nodded. After unpacking the luggage, I went to bed, taking her into my arms, and I fell asleep soon because I hadn't slept for the last 24 hours.

When I woke up, it was already dark, and the other side of the bed felt empty. I woke up, checking the time. It was already 12:30 am. Where did she go at this time? I slowly got up and went into the living room. No, she's not there.

I checked the entire resort. She's not there. I went to the backyard of the resort because we had a beach there. Maybe she would be there. Nope, no luck. It was empty everywhere. I started to panic. I called out loud, "Vie!" She responded, "Aan, I am here."

I turned back to see suddenly the entire beach brighten up with so many lights everywhere, and she was standing inside a heart-shaped light with a guitar in her hand. For a second, I thought I was on some movie set up.

She started singing, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday, my dear Aan, happy birthday to you." That's when I realized today is my birthday. Right, how did I forget this? Is that why she wanted a break? To celebrate my birthday? Aww, my Vie.

I went inside that heart-shaped thing and gave her a tight hug, saying, "Don't ever disappear like that again, Vie. I was really scared." She patted my back, saying, "I am sorry, Aan. I was preparing all these so I didn't wake you up." I inhaled her scent and pulled out of the hug, looking into her ocean-blue eyes.

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