|15| Chapter

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Vihaan POV:

Today Saanvi and her family are coming home to visit everyone in my family, and everyone in the home is over the moon to meet her. I have loads of work to do, so I sat in my office room working. I told everyone not to disturb me, and after some time, I stretched my hands. Rahul came in, asking, "Bhai, they are not here yet. Give them a call."

I said, "Didn't I ask you not to disturb me?" He rolled his eyes, saying, "Come on, Bhai. I'm excited to see her." I sighed, closing my laptop. I took out my phone to call Anvi, but Shri came in running. She said, "Bhai, they are here." Rahul looked at me with wide eyes and ran down. I shook my head, following them.

As I went down, I saw her entering inside. My heart skipped a beat, and my world stopped as my gaze took in the sight of her stunning form in a white kurthi and a dupatta. This is the first time I am seeing her in traditional. My eyes flickered, and my heart fluttered as I stared upon the goddess of angels standing before me in her traditional attire. Each fold and pleat of the delicate fabric cradles her perfect body and complements her heavenly features. Her jhumkas danced along while she nodded her head.

Shri shook me as I came out of the trance. She said, "Bhai, let's go." I nodded, putting on my normal face again, and I walked down.

She took blessings from everyone, and when she saw me, I winked at her. She blushed, and I smiled, knowing how a small wink from me can make her blush.

My mom pulled her to sit beside her as she started asking questions, "Saanvi, right?" She nodded. Rishi came to my side and sat. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't see Rahul, so I asked Shri, "Where is Rahul, Shri?"

She said, "Mom sent him to get something, Bhai. He will be back soon." I nodded. My mom and dad were so busy talking to her, and by the look on Shri's face, I can say that she love anvi.

As I saw my family and Anvi sitting there and talking casually, I loved the frame, like how easily she fit into the family. She is just made for me, I thought.

My grandfather cleared his throat, saying, "Vihaan, how about you give her a home tour?" Shri jumped, saying, "I will take Bhabhi." Dhada shook his head, saying, "How about you show Dhada-Dhadhi, and Rishi?"

She pouted, and Anvi said, "It's fine, Dhada. Let her take me." I glared at her, saying, "No, I will show you." She said, "Come on, Aan. It's fine. Let her take me." I heard Rahul shouting from the front door, "Aan? Who is Aan?"

My mother said to her, "Vihaan doesn't like to be called by nicknames, Saanvi." She lowered her head, saying, "Sorry, I didn't know that."

I raised from my seat, saying, "It's fine if she calls me. She can call me anything she wants." I said in my usual cold tone, to which everyone was shocked because, yes, I hate to be called by a nickname, but she can call me anything she wants.

I went to her, kneeling down. She looked at me as I smiled, forwarding my hand. She blushed, giving me her hand, and as I stood up, she also stood along with me. Rahul shouted, "Killer?" Anvi looked at him and said, "Rahul?"

Wait, how did they both know each other? As he came pulling her into a hug, did he just hug her? I cleared my throat. He pulled back, asking, "Killer, how come you are the one marrying this devil?"

She laughed, saying, "Rahul, I didn't know you were his brother." I asked, "Can anyone care to explain?" Yash Dhada said, "He is my doctor from my past checkup." Rahul nodded at him, and I nodded, connecting the dots.

I asked, "Then what is it about 'killer'?" Rahul and Anvi looked at each other and started laughing. Shri came in asking, "Bhai, come on, tell us." Rahul said what had happened. I said, "Whatever, I am taking her on a home tour," and pulled her with me.

She circled her arm around me and said, "Aan, you seriously need to stop pulling me, or else one day I am going to fall." I smiled, saying, "I will never let you fall, Vie, except for me." She rolled her eyes, saying, "Eww, Aan, it's so cheesy."

I lifted her up; she gasped, saying, "Aan, what are you doing? Anyone will see us." I shrugged, saying, "This is our home, Vie, it's fine. And also, you just rolled your eyes at me, didn't you? Let me give you punishment." I took her to my room, closed the door, and placed her down, pinning her to the wall.

She held her breath, saying, "Aan." I moved very close to her, whispering in her ear, "You look gorgeous today, Vie." She blushed again as I kissed her cheek.

I could feel her breath release, hot. She whispered, "Aan, what are you doing?" I kissed another cheek and said, "I don't know, Vie. You're doing something to me." As I kissed her eyes and then nose, I stopped near her lips. She looked into my eyes and gave a little nod. I crashed my lips onto hers.

After a very rough and passionate kiss, I released her, and both of us were panting heavily. She slowly leaned towards me and placed a kiss on my throat. My grip on her waist tightened.

She moved towards my jaw, placing a kiss there. I took a sharp breath, observing her every action. She raised on her tiptoes, cupped my cheek, and placed a kiss just at the corner of my lips. I growled. Okay, fuck, I can't control anymore.

As I lifted her up, her legs circled my waist. Sitting on the bed, I buried my face in her neck, kissing her throat. She moved her fingers through my hair as I bit her neck, and she moaned out loud. God, her moans were now my favorite thing.

She moved her head to the side, giving me more access. I slowly kissed her neck, moving to her jaw, biting there. She moaned again as I soothed her pain with my tongue. I stopped suddenly, realizing what I was doing. I stared at her, and she breathed slowly, closing her eyes. After a minute, she opened her eyes, looking down. She blushed. I know she is feeling shy.

I chuckled, kissing her cheek. I mumbled, "My little lioness." She sighed, so I took her into my arms, hugging her close to my heart, rubbing her back slowly.

She said, "You're treating me like a baby, Aan." She pouted, and I said, "Because you are my baby!" She punched me a little. Looking at me, she said, "Is this the home tour you said, huh?" I laughed, saying, "Well, I got a bit carried away." I lifted her, placing her on the ground.

I said, "This is my room. Well, sorry, our room." She looked around in awe. My room is actually very big, as I have a balcony with a hot spring pool, a bathroom with a walk-in closet, and also a mini library. She said, "Aan, I love it."

I smirked, and she looked around, saying, "This library will be my favorite in the whole house." I nodded, saying, "It was not there before. I arranged it for you, so enjoy." She turned to me, asking, "Really?"

I nodded, saying, "Yes, meri jaan." She giggled like a baby as I said, "Vie, can I tell you something?"

She hummed, and I said, "You should not scold me, then?" She asked, "Come on, Aan, tell me what is it?" So I pulled her, facing her near the mirror. Her face widened as she saw the hickeys I left. I started running already because I know she is going to kill me, and I didn't simply call her lioness; she is one.

She said, "Aan, what the hell did you do?" She started throwing pillows at me as I blocked them with my hand, saying, "Vie, vie, calm down. Sorry, I am sorry. I will fix it, okay?"

She calmed after a bit as I approached her slowly, placing my hands in defense. She just sat on the bed, so I took concealer and started applying it to her neck. She asked, "Where did you get all these beauty products, Aan?" I said, "I arranged everything for you, Vie. I got you everything you require." Her eyes went wide as she said, "You're crazy, Aan."

So I said, "Yes, I am crazy, Crazy for you, Vie." She blushed.


I know that this chapter is a bit short. I'm currently swamped with exams, and it's causing a bit of a time crunch. I appreciate your understanding, and I promise to get back to regular updates as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and ongoing support.

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