|60| Chapter

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Saanvi POV:

The wedding was beyond my dreams. I stood at the entrance with Aan holding my hand. After the harathi, Maa asked me to push the rice grains pot and enter inside, and I followed her instructions.

Stepping inside, it felt like a real home this time, my home. Chotima placed a plate full of red water, telling me to step into it and print footprints on the floor. I nodded, stepping into it with a big smile on my face.

Before I could step out, Rahul stopped me. "Killer, wait," he said. Everyone looked at him as Aan asked, "What now?" Rahul placed a white shirt in front of me and said, "Step on this."

I raised my eyebrows, and he insisted. I stepped onto his shirt, and as he took it, he wore it proudly, declaring, "From today, I am going to wear this shirt everywhere, saying these are the footprints of the goddess of our home. Welcome Home BHABI!"

Wait, did he just call me "bhabi"? My eyes immediately welled up as I crashed into him in a hug. He laughed, catching me, and said, "If you're getting senti on this, then fine. I won't call you that anymore. I don't want you to cry."

I slapped his hand, still wiping my tears, and said, "I am glad to have you as my brother in law, Rahul." He squeezed my cheeks, saying, "And I am over the moon that you are my bhabi, meri maa!" Everyone laughed as Aan patted Rahul's shoulder.

Shri announced, "Okay, everyone, it's post-wedding fun time!" We all headed to the living room where they made us sit opposite to each other and placed a pot in front of us.

Dada said, "Whoever catches the ring first can ask anything from the loser." With that, Baba threw a ring inside, and we immediately splashed our hand into the water. I searched and searched, but there was only water.

Wait, I felt something! Before I could catch it, I felt someone's hand on it. I looked at Aan as he smirked. I pouted, giving my best puppy eyes, but he shook his head and took the ring out.

See, this is why I love Maan more, He loved me more as in the last life he willingly lost to me just because I can win. Everyone laughed and squealed with joy for Aan.

Anandh asked, "So what do you want from bhabi bhai?" Aan looked into my eyes and said, "Your bhabi is all I ever want in life, Anandh. So as I have what I wanted, let her ask me a wish."

Okay, I take back my words, Aan also loves me more, I smiled widely. "You should not go back on your word, promise?" I showed my pinky finger, and he sealed it with his.

I asked, "Then take me to Paris tomorrow, pleaseeeee, Aan?" He shook his head and said, "Vie No, I will take you after you delivery."

Rahul exclaimed, "Now that's cheating, bhai! You said you will grant her a wish!" I joined in, "Aan, pleaseeee."

So bhai said, "I will take you, princess. Don't ask him." I laughed, sticking my tongue out at him. He said, "Okay, fine, we are going to Paris tomorrow"

"Yyayyyy!" I laughed, jumping, and everyone looked at me adoringly.

Suddenly, I felt so tired as I woke up early in the morning and didn't have enough food during the activities of the marriage.

Aan noticed this and picked me up, saying, "No more activities, everyone. She is tired. Let's do this later." Everyone nodded understandingly as Aan took me to our room and tucked me in.

He helped me remove all the wedding jewelry and pressed a kiss on my forehead before he was about to leave. I caught his arm and said, "Aan, hug me to sleep, please."

He joined me in bed and took me into his arms, and peace is what I felt being in his arms like this. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

After 2 days:

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