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Marie's POV:

I wake up by the sound of my alarm. I turn it off and take a look on my phone. 8.30 am on a Saturday.

Normally, I would curse to death, but not today. Today is the day. Today my best friend Laura and I will fly to London for the first time ever. Tomorrow, I will go to my first ever Arsenal Women's Match.

I stand up, go into the kitchen, and grab a cup of coffee."Morning, Love", my mum says. "Did you sleep well?""Fantastic. I can't wait", I replied. "I will pick Laura up at 11.""I hope you two have lots of fun. I have to go to work now.", she said, pulling me in a hug. "Text me when you land.", I nodded.

I finished my coffee and started getting ready.
I got in my car and started driving to Laura's flat. On my way, I blasted and screamed to Taylor Swift and couldn't help but smile. I parked my car and texted Laura, who soon walked out with her luggage."How much did you pack? Holy Shit", I laughed and pulled her into a short hug."We are gone for almost two weeks, I wanted to be prepared for all cases.", she answered and put her stuff into the boot. Then she got into the passenger seat. "You ready?""Absolutely", I smileWe drive off to the airport.

3 hours later, we sit in our seats. Laura sits next to the window, and I sit next to her. We only fly for about two hours and spend time watching a TV show. After the first episode ends, I lean over Laura to look out of the window. London looks so beautiful just from up here. I can't wait for the next two weeks in this lovely city.

After we land and finally arrive at our hotel, we unpack a few things and change clothes. We just wanna see the Big Ben today and have dinner somewhere afterwards. The Big Ben looks amazing, and overall, I really fell in love with London on the first evening here. We decide to eat in a small italian restaurant near Tower Bridge, which is in a wooden style and looks pretty cosy. Laura decides on classic pasta with basil pesto, and I take a simple, plain pizza margarita. "Will I ever see you eat something a bit more extravagant?"she asks, joking.Laura and I have known each other since we were kids, and I've always been a picky eater."I don't think so." I laugh it off.

We continue talking about everything and nothing and eat.

After we split the bill, we head back to the hotel and shower, and then we fall into bed. It's been a hell of a day. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling when Laura turns around."Are you excited for tomorrow?"she asks."Of course, that took a bit of a contribution to why we're here."I smile back.Tomorrow, I will finally go to an arsenal game.

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