First Meeting

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We wake up at around 8 o'clock. Kick-off is supposed to be at 1, so we have a bit of freetime. We decide to have breakfast in the hotel.

After breakfast, Laura and I head up to our room and get changed. She puts on her McCabe kit and I put on my Williamson kit and a jacket as well. I also pack a little bag with our notebooks and two eddings for possible autographs. I really hope to get one from Williamson and McCabe.

Then we leave and head to the train station, where we already see some arsenal fans.

"We should just follow them, they should know where we have to go.", I say

"You do this all the time, when we go to football matches.", she comments.

"What do you mean?", I ask, but I think I already know what she's going to say.

"You always follow the one's, who wear the same shirts as we do.", she answers.

I just shrug my shoulders. "It's easier. I like to know where I have to go."

"You've always been a planner."

We manage to get in the stands very quickly and even better - first row. I can't believe it.The players come out to warm up while the fans sing North London forever. It's a really amazing atmosphere. When the whistle blows for the first time, Laura leans over to me.

"It's nice, that you smile at least while watching football." she says and I know exactly what she means. Charlotte. My ex girlfriend who broke my heart about 6 months ago.

"I've been smiling the last few days.", I defend myself.

"Yeah, I know. But it wasn't your real smile."

Arsenal lead 2-0 at half time by a goal from Miedema as well as a banger by Katie McCabe. Overall they were dominant for the most part of the first half. Laura just went buying us drinks while I decide to post a selfie we took before kick off in my Instagram story. I tag Laura as well as Arsenal Women and write 'Love this trip already' on it. Laura comes back just before second half and hands me a coke zero.

The second half is more intense, the opponent even gets in a goal and almost equalise but it's shown to be off-side. Both teams fight pretty tough, the opponent tries to equalise and Arsenal are pressing for a 3-1. It is already the 89th minute when Arsenal are awarded a corner. Most of the players get in the penalty area. Katie McCabe kicks the corner. The ball lands on Leah Williamson's head who nods it in the direction of the goal... Everyone in the stands is holding their breath and....

It gets in!

The team and the fans celebrate this late, game defining goal.The final whistle blows just a bit later. We won.

After the game some of the players come to the stands. Beth comes to us first, we chat a bit and get an autograph before Katie gets to us. Laura is really gassed about this. Katie is probably her favourite Arsenal player. She liked her from the minute I wouldn't shut up about Arsenal. I obviously like her too but I feel like Laura has a bit of a crush on her. Katie is just about to sign my notepad when Leah Williamson comes in our direction and stands next to Katie.

"Hi.", I just get out. Holy fucking Maccaroni she's even more beautiful in real life.

"Hi.", she gives me a smile.

"Do you two want a selfie?", she then asks.

"More of an Ussie", I laugh. Laura just rolls her eyes and hands Leah her phone.

Leah just laughs."Ted Lasso Fan, eh?", I nod.

We smile in the camera and Leah hands back Laura's phone.

"Could you sign this? Please?", I ask and hand her my notepad and an edding.

"Sure", she replies and takes it from me. Just for the blink of a second, she accidentally touches my hand. I don't know why but I feel like exploding in this moment. Positive exploding. It feels like everything goes at light speed and stops at the same time. I never felt like this before. It's kinda weird.

Leah signed my notepad and writes something else in it, but I can't figure out what it is. I don't think much about it, maybe something like 'thanks for being a fan'.

She closes the book and gives it back to me.

"I've gotta go now. Thanks for coming.", she says and seconds later she's already gone. In her hand still my edding.

"Well I guess I have to buy a new edding now.", I say.

" could see her again.", Laura adds.

"Yeah right", I laugh it off

.In the evening we both lay in bed and talk a bit about the day.

"So what did Leah write?", she asks straight forward.

"I actually don't know. I haven't looked yet.", I say and grab my notepad. I open it and read it.

I can't believe what I see.

Under Leah's autograph is written: 'Call me, if you want your edding back.' and a number is underneath it.

My mouth is open.

"Holy Shit", I get out after a while and a confused look on Laura's Face.

"Holy Shit."

"Yeah, you said that. What is it?", she asks impatient.

"I think I just got Leah Williamson's phone number", I reveal.

"Holy Shit."

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