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Leahs POV:

Still in shock but still happy as hell to see her standing before my door I sit down on the sofa, joined by Marie. I will tell her everything.

I don't know how I deserved to make this right but I'm not letting this opportunity pass.

"I will just say what my heart wants to say, okay?", I ask softly.

"Yeah, go on.", she nods, and her voice sounds much nicer already.

I take a deep breath in, then I start to explain.

"The thing is I really thought you were going to be a nice time when I first saw you.", I begin and I can see her nose, clearly hurt on what I just said.

"But when we met up in that café, I felt like it just clicked. It felt like I have known you for years even though I didn't. You became incredibly important to me in such a short amount of time. I have never ever felt something like that before.", I breathe out the last part.

Marie looks at me with a soft expression on her face. The atmosphere in my living room is a goodly odd one. When I'm not speaking there is total silence, but a comfortable silence somehow. And even when I speak it is so quiet in here. It feels like the time stands still and it is just us in this room. Close but miles away, while everything else disappears.

"Then why did you act like that?", she whispers under her breath.

"I", I begin my sentence but sigh. "The simple answer is that I was scared, but you deserve so much more than the simple answer. You told me that you would go back to Germany, and I had questions all over my head. How we can get to know each other better when you are so far away."

Marie listens attentively. Without doing or saying anything in particular, she lets me know, that she will listen until the very end before she speaks her mind again.

"When I woke up that morning, you were sleeping peacefully in my arms. I laid there for a while and just admired you, I asked myself how I could get so lucky to get to know you in such little time. But then...", I must gulp to go through that part. "But then I realised that we have such different lives. That it would be difficult to underestimate it. I thought about the texts you got the evening before and that you could have it so easy and just go back to your ex."

"What?", Marie almost screams out. "You don't get to decide that."

"I know that now.", I assure her. "I did decide one thing though. I decided to make it easy for both of us this moment. I got up and prepared all these hurtful phrases I said to you. Believe me, it broke my heart to say them. And now I am just glad that you showed up here. You can still go with easy.", I finish my explanation and wait for her reaction.

"Stop saying easy.", she just says.

"Sorry.", I apologise.

"If I am honest, I understand you. I had similar questions in my mind, but I was willing to find a way we can work out.", she says.

"I am now.", I interrupt her.

"Don't interrupt me.", she demands.


"Stop apologising."

"Sor- ", she gives me an annoyed look and I cut myself off.

"I have to make a confession as well.", she sighs and I tilt my head, showing that I am listening. What is coming now?

"I kind of took your advice.", she says looking down at her hands.

"What do you mean?"

"A few days ago, I went out to a bar with two close friends, and we ran into Charlotte.", she admits. My chest begins to sting hearing that, just the thought of her with someone else is too much for me to take.

"We talked and I...", she takes a deep breath. "I kissed her for one second.", she confesses. My stomach is turning over and I'm feeling sick, but I am still glad that she told me.

"Well, you tried your easy way then.", I just say to relax the situation.

"I don't want easy, I want you.", she blurts out without thinking, then goes quiet and avoids eye contact. "I realised that in the second it happened.", she says, still not daring to look at me.

I grin. I cannot help it, I must grin.

"You want me?", I clarify grinning.

"Yeah.", she mumbles.

"Marie?", I ask her, and she looks at me. "Can I kiss you now?", I ask, hoping to do the thing I wanted to since I saw her.

She has to grin now too, nods and then grabs my chin with two fingers and pulls me closer and kisses me. I have to grin even more when our lips meet, and I sink down in a spiral of serotonin. I feel like fireworks explode in my whole body, with the epicentrum being my heart. I cannot believe that I actually get to kiss her again, after I fucked up big time.

It happens, what has to happen, and the kiss turns into a proper make out session. Just as Marie is navigating her hands under my shirt, I stop the kissing.

"Marie, wait.", I get out and she looks at me concerned.

"Did I do something wrong?", she immediately asks.

"No, it's just. We should probably hit the break a bit.", I clarify.

"What do you mean?", she questions and sounds a bit offended.

"Don't worry, I don't mean it that way.", I reassure her. "It's just, we were pretty quick last time, and I want to get to know you, like really know you first.", I explain, and she nods.

"How will you do it?", she asks smiling and I know exactly where this is leading, as if I did not plan to do so anyway.

"Marie Schmidt, will you go on a date with me?", I ask, and Marie grins and kisses me as an answer. "I'll take that as a yes.", I laugh.

"I have to ask you two questions.", she says suddenly, and I nod to tell her she can go on.

"Can I sleep here? Laura was sort of optimistic, we would work that out.", she says, and I have to laugh on the fact that she asks this question.

"What question is this? Of course, you can. But what has Laura to do with that?", I say confused.

"She surprised me with the flight tickets. I will fly back on Sunday evening, but until then we have time. She said, she hated seeing me that sad, so she had to do something.", Marie explains.

"Remind me to thank her for that. What is the second question?", I reply.

Marie hops up and walks over to the kitchen. "Do you have anything left to eat? I haven't had dinner yet.", she says and opens the refrigerator. "Ah, you still have eggs, vegetables and left over rice.", she says before I can answer.

"Yeah, I had rice yesterday, but I didn't eat much over the last week.", I explain.

"I could cook something for us.", she suggests.

"Absolutely not.", I say and walk over to the kitchen. I take out a pan and collect some ingredients.

"Why not?", she scoffs.

"I don't trust you with my kitchen.", I explain and have to laugh when I see her pouting face.

"I can cook.", she protests.

"You can show me some other time, okay?", I ask. "Can you hand me the oil please?", I ask and point next to her.

We end up cooking together and spent the rest of the evening cuddling until we eventually go to bed, falling asleep in each other's arms. God I am so glad we worked it out.

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