Time apart

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I get home fairly tired, since I had to tell Laura everything that happened over the weekend. I unlock the door; Ben is not home but mum is in the living room watching TV.

"I'm home.", I state and walk into the living room to give her a hug.

"Hey, Honey.", she says. "Did everything go well with that girl?", she asks curious.

"Yeah, it did.", I answer as I sit down. "Uhm, mum I've got to tell you something."

"I'm all ears."

"Laura told you that I met someone in London, right?", I begin as she nods. "Well, that someone is actually someone you know.", I confess.

"Are you dating an arsenal player?", she jokes but the expression on my face stays serious.

"Leah Williamson to be exact.", I confess. "She is coming over in three weeks."

"Are you joking?", my mum asks for clarification, and I shake my head in response.

"Are you happy?", she requests as she processes my answer.

"Yes.", I nod. "I am very happy."

"Well, then I am really looking forward to meet Leah.", she says, and I feel myself relaxing.

"Thank you.", I utter and hug her again. "I will go to bed, I am very tired, to be quite frankly."

"Good night, sleep well."

"Good night.", I say before I walk upstairs into my room. I change into sleep clothes and pull my phone out of my bag. I look at it and see that I have one message from Leah.

'Miss you already'

I smile, then I jump into bed and dial her number. She picks up immediately.

"Are you okay?", is the first thing she asks.

"Yeah, I just got home.", I state. "I miss you too."

"We will have to get used to saying goodbye.", she expressions. "Even though I don't want to."

"Me neither, but we know what we signed up for.", I chuckle, hoping I can relax the situation.

"How was your flight?", Leah asks.

"Good, have you already booked?"

"Yes, as we said.", she answers.

"I can't wait.", I express.

"Me neither.", she answers.

"I told mum about...us.", I blur out. I make a pause before I said us, mainly because I don't know what that us implies yet.

"What did she say?", she sounds a bit concerned.

"If I am happy with you.", I answer truthfully.

"Are you?", she jokes and laughs at her own gag.

"I am.", I giggle. "She said that she is looking forward to meet you."

"I am too.", she answers.

"Leah.", I yawn. "I would call it quits for today."

"Probably, I have a training session tomorrow morning. Night, Night Baby.", my stomach jumps at the word baby.

"Goodnight, baby.", I say before we hang up and I roll to the side, falling asleep smiling.

The next three weeks will simply not pass by or at least it seems like they don't. Leah and I both have a lot to do, but somehow, we still manage to text the entire day through and call every evening. I spent the days mostly at work, Laura visited a few times and she stated that she would like to see Leah again, so I suggested that she will come over the day Leah visits. Leah was fine with that as well. We still have not talked about our status, but I am planning to do so when she is here. Everything is going so great, I feel like this is just the logical next step, if it isn't obvious by now. I would like to have it official though.

It's the evening before Leahs visit. I lay in bed, watching some Netflix when my phone buzzes. Leah via FaceTime.

"Hello Beautiful", I say as I pick up.

"Stop it.", she blushes. "How is the weather in Germany right now?", she proceeds to ask.

"Fairly moderate, I would express. You should definitely bring a jacket, I have planned a date where we will be outside.", I state.

"You planned a date?", she asks surprised.

"My turn now.", I clarify.

"Okay, I will be surprised.", she says and puts her hands innocently in the air.

"Better be.", I grin.

The day finally arrives, and I am getting ready to pick Leah up.

"Please, behave normal.", I beg my mum before I leave. "Especially you.", I add glancing at my brother.

"Don't worry, we will.", mum assures me.

Mum and Ben will not be here when Leah and I arrive, they both have to work, and mum will sleep at her boyfriends. Ben stays at a friend's house, so we have the house to ourselves.

Thirty minutes later I park my car and enter the airport. I am a bit nervous, but not too much while I wait for Leah to arrive. I smile as soon as I see her, and she runs towards me and hugs me.

"I have missed you so much.", Leah states as she loosens the hug and kisses me. I like that she is in Germany now, she is lesser known here, which means we can kiss without worrying about potential photos on social media.

"I've missed you more.", I say in between two kisses.

"Not possible.", she protests.

"I will not argue about that the whole time, okay?", I laugh as I take her luggage into one hand and her hand in the other.

"I can take that myself.", she argues.

"Not a chance, my mother raised a gentlewoman.", I chuckle.

"Of that I have no doubt.", she gives back, and we both start to laugh. I love how easy it feels with her, even after a few weeks apart.

"Can I ask you a question?", I say as we leave the airport.

"You just did, but you can ask me another question.", she answers, and I roll my eyes.

"Did you steal that line from Peaky Blinders?"

"I might have.", she answers.

"So, a fan of the series then?", I ask.

"Why do you think I wear these?", she asks and points to her flat cap. "And you seem to be a fan as well.", she states and points at mine.

I nod as we reach my car. I put Leahs luggage into the boot while Leah opens the door on the driver's side.

"Other side.", I say.

"Right, you have everything on the wrong side.", she chuckles and walks around the car.

"You are most likely the only ones in Europe who drive on the left.", I give back and get into the car.

"Whatever. When will Laura arrive at yours?", she changes the topic.

"In about 45 minutes, but we don't have to hurry. Laura basically lives at my place, she even has a key", I laugh and start the engine.

We talk about basic stuff on the way. How her flight was and what I have planned for the next few days.

"Here we are.", I say as I pull up in the driveway and park the car. I open the door and walk to the boot to take her luggage.

"I cannot wait to spend a few days with you.", she states as she gets out of the car. "We still have a few films to watch.", she adds as I unlock the door.

"Oh, I have a confession to make.", I say as I walk in.

"What?", she asks confused.

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