So good

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As soon as Leah closes the door behind me, she slams me against it and begins to kiss me. My hands wander down her back until she grabs them and pins them next to my head while intensifying the kissing.

She starts biting my lip a bit and I let out a soft moan which makes her smile against my lips.

She lets go of my hands to run her fingers through my hair. I take the opportunity to grab her waist and spin her around, so her back faces the door. She stops kissing me and looks at me in shock. Did I do something wrong? Did I take it too far?

"Should we stop?", I exhale.

She grins, then flips me around. "Uh-Uh", she expresses. "Trust me tonight, okay?", she starts caressing my neck and I let out a soft moan in agreement.

She continues to abuse my neck for a bit until she takes my hands in hers and guides me further into her flat and eventually into her bedroom, where she pushes me on the bed before climbing on top of me and continuing to kiss me. Leah runs one hand through my hair while using the other to unbutton my blouse. As she opens the last button, she lets go of me and pulls my blouse away. She takes a moment to look at my chest.

"You are beautiful", she utters, before she starts to kiss my chest. While she does so, I place soft kisses on top of her head. I start lifting her shirt up and quickly undress her upper body. I take a look at her chest and start kissing her intensively, before my lips kiss circles around her left nipple, which makes her throw back her head and moan. I grin and work my way down her chest and her stomach, while I use my hand to replace my lips. When I arrive at the button of her pants I kiss just above the waistline, still grinning. I love teasing.

Leah on the other hand, seems like she does not love teasing. At least when I do it. She softly pulls my head back up, kisses me and flips me over, so she is on top.

"I thought you would trust me tonight.", she grins. "Didn't I make it clear, that I will top?", she asks in a diabolical but still soft voice and starts sucking on my neck. I let out quiet whimpers, unable to speak clear words. She suddenly stops her doing, looks me straight in the eye and I do the same with a confused look on my face.

"I want to hear it!", she demands before continuing to work on my neck, which makes me let out a moan.

"Oh fuck.", I stutter.

"Not what I wanted to hear.", she breathes against my skin, and I can feel her grinning.

"Yeah.", I am still not able to speak properly. " made it...clear.", I breathe out. Holy shit.

She begins working her way down my body, caressing every inch of it. I feel myself getting wetter and needier.

While kissing my waistline she places one hand on the button of my pants.

"Are you sure, you want to do this?", she asks softly while continuing kissing my lower stomach. God this is so sexy.

"Yes, Leah.", I whimper. "Fuck me, please."

"With pleasure.", she looks at me, smirks and frees me from the rest of my clothes, leaving me completely naked underneath her. She takes her time, to take a look at me, making me impatient.

"God, you look so good.", she begins to kiss the inner side of my thighs. "And so wet, already."

I'm only getting wetter, while her mouth works her way up. Before she reaches her destination, she stops her movements.

"Can I taste you?", she asks softly. God, her asking me for consent is so God damn sexy. Unable, to form words, I nod.

"I can't hear you.", she is such a tease, well I was no better, I guess.

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