Game Night

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As I walk into the hotel room, I see Laura sitting on the bed with her phone on her ear.

"She is here. I will call you back later. Thanks Less.", she says, then hangs up and stands up.

"Where the fuck have you been? I was so worried. Didn't you check your phone?", she yells at me.

"Not that loud please. Leah gave me an aspirin but I'm still hungover.", I express and close my eyes for a second.

"You were at Leah's?", she asks and gets a spark in her eyes. The spark she always gets when she is about to discover something, she could use against me someday. Here we go.

"Yeah, I was pretty drunk, and since Leah didn't know where our hotel was, she let me sleep over.", I say. That is no lie, at least not entirely.

My phone beeps and I grab it out of my pocket. Laura scans my whole body and gets stuck on my neck.

"Oh my god, I knew it.", she screams out.

"Ow.", I say holding my head. "Knew what?"

"You totally fucked.", she tells self-satisfied and points to my neck.

I walk over to the mirror and then I see it. A hickey. Shit.

"You had sex with Leah Williamson!", Laura squeaks out. "Don't even try to deny it."

"Fine.", I sigh.

"Tell me everything in detail.", she states jumping on the bed and rhythms on the spot next to her.

"Do you really want the details?", I laugh and sit down next to her.

"Maybe not too much detail.", she pulls a wry face.

"Don't worry, I spare you the explicit details.", I chuckle.

"Thank yooouuu.", she answers, and I hit her with a pillow.

"You're annoying.", I laugh. "Well, first of all, I have to admit that you were right.", I confess.

"I know I am.", she prides herself.

"When we kissed at the game it just felt...amazing. Actually, the whole evening felt amazing.", I say.

"I bet the night felt amazing as well.", she pinches my side and gives me a knowing look.

"It did, but back to the party. The whole evening, we were just like, I don't even know how to describe it.", I admit and think for a second before I find the right words. "It's just, it feels like we have known each other for years, at least. It feels so familiar, so right.", I enthuse.

"You never- ", she cuts herself off.

"I never what?", I ask.

"It's've never talked like that in the entire time when you were with Charlotte, you know?.", she says, and she is right. I never felt this way in the two years with Charlotte, like I do in just a little less than a week with Leah.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is.", I confess.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, you would make a cute couple.", she giggles, and I jokingly hit her arm.

"We're not on that level yet.", I laugh.

"What happened when you went outside?", she now asks.

"Well, we talked for a bit, about the kiss as well, I was way too honest.", I chuckle nervously. "Then, I kinda tripped over my own two feet and she caught me. I couldn't help but kiss her again and then it kind of turned into a bit more than kissing and-.

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