Daydreams and Nightmares

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Leahs POV:

I park the car in the supermarket's car park around twenty minutes later.

We walk inside and get a trolley.

"What do we need?", Marie asks.

"Something to eat for Sunday, tomorrow we will only need something for lunch.", I think out loud. "Oh, and breakfast of course."

"Okay, I'll follow you.", she says, and I take her free hand in mine, which makes her smile.

"So, what is the surprise you planned?", I try to find out while putting some fruits in the trolley.

"If I'll tell you, it wouldn't be a surprise.", she rolls her eyes. "It isn't that big of a deal though.", she adds.

I wonder what she has in mind.

"So, there is no chance you will tell me?", I try again as we enter a secluded aisle.

She shakes her head in response. "Nope."

"Not even if I do this?", I say, lean down and kiss her. The kiss hits her by surprise, I can tell. I know that no people are in sight, so I take it a step further. I'll allow my tongue access to her mouth and bite her lower lip, while my free hand squeezes her bum, making her gasp in between kisses. I pull away and continue shopping. Acting like nothing happens.

"Are you coming?", I tease as I walk around the corner smirking to myself.

It takes Marie a minute to join me.

"Took you a minute.", I notice while looking at the tea assortment, not looking at her.

"Yeah.", she stammers out.

I turn around and look at her now. She still looks perplexed.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.", I mock her.

"You know, there was someone in the other aisle who kinda swiped me off my feet.", she answers smart-mouthed.

"Hmm, I wonder who that was.", I say, then turn around and grab the tea.

"You are a tease, you know that right?", Marie asks laughing.

"Yeah, I know.", I say complacent and stretch my hand out for her to reach.

She smiles at me and takes it. "What else do we need?", she asks as she joins me.

"Depends on what you want to eat.", I say while looking through the shelfs.

"You.", she answers without hesitating, making me roll my eyes.

"And you say I am a tease?", I ask rhetorically but get an answer anyway.

"You know, two can play a game.", she says, before she looks around to make sure no one is nearby. She lets go of my hand and places it on my back. I know exactly what she is doing, and I am not planning on stopping her. Her hand wanders down my back until it reaches my butt.

"I know what you are doing.", I whisper at her, trying to keep focus.

"Is it working?", she asks and kisses my neck. I sink into the feeling for a second before I pull a bit away from her.

"Marie, we are in public.", I say, and she looks at me sad but understanding.

"Okay.", she eventually says and stretches her hand out for mine again.

I signal her not to try anything again by the look on my face.

"Don't worry, I will not tease you, as long as you won't tease me.", she promises, and I smile at her.

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