Weak Knees

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"When will we have dinner with your parents?", I ask while doing the dishes.

"Just my mum and grandma.", Leah clarifies. "We will meet them in a café nearby at 3."

"That's lovely. I can't wait to meet them. Although I am a bit nervous.", I chuckle.

Leah walks over to me, pecks my lips, takes a towel and grabs a plate.

"You don't have to be. I just want the three most important women in my life to know each other."

"How do you do that?", I ask and stop my actions.

"Do what?", she asks confused.

"That is the second time in just an hour you make me feel like my knees give in.", I confess blushing.

"Good to know.", she smirks. "Maybe I can give you that edding back now. I mean, you have a reason to stay now.", she says laughing.

"Keep it.", I laugh. "I will always have a reason to stay.", I say before I kiss her.

"So, you are not just staying cause of the pen?", she jokingly asks as she pulls back.

"Oh ha-ha", I say and splash some water on her.

"Hey!", she protests and begins to tickle my ribs.

"Stop it!", I chuckle and splash even more water onto her.

"Make me.", she smirks and grabs my hands in hers.

She doesn't have to tell me that twice.

I lean in to kiss her which Leah happily allows. She interlocks our fingers even stronger and pushes me back against the kitchen counter, while inviting her tongue into my mouth. I can see who will be in charge tonight and I love it.

She pushes me back more, if that's even possible, and rests our hands on the counter beside her. Her body is now so close to mine that I get shivers again. It is crazy how my own girlfriend can have this effect on me. Leah lets go of my hands and uses them to strike the hair behind my ears.

I use my hands to run up and down her back, but Leah seems to have other plans. She grabs my hands again and moves her knee against my private part, instantly making me moan. I can feel the smirk developing on her face.

"Bedroom?", she breathes against my lips.

"Mhm.", I manage to get out against hers and she begins to guide me towards it.

Leah manages to get the door open without looking and I soon enough find myself lying in her bed with her on top of me, still kissing my lips passionately.

She stops kissing me and looks into my eyes for a moment. "What are you thinking?", I whisper and try my best not to get lost in her eyes. "I am just so lucky that the beautiful woman in front of me is my girlfriend.", she smiles which I reply.

"I can only say the same thing about you.", I say and pull her down again so our make-out session can go on.

We are quickly back at the same pace as before and Leah begins to move her hands under my shirt, stroking over the cloth of my bra before she sits up a bit.

"You have far too many clothes on.", she says and undresses her own top in one movement, leaving her upper body completely naked and I cannot help but stare. Leah notices this of course and chuckles.

"Will you undress as well?", she asks and moves with her hips more down to my centre, making me whimper a little bit as I nod and get help from Leah to undress. She gets rid of my jumper and bra and drops them next to the bed on the floor.

She bends down again and begins to caress my earlobe while squeezing my breasts with her spare hands eliciting my mouth soft moans.

"I love you.", Leah whispers into my ear sending shivers down my whole body.

"I love you.", I whisper against her neck as she starts to move her kisses lower.

I can feel her smile against my skin while she carefully places kisses on my collarbone, followed by my breasts, with especial attention to my nipples. I am already a moaning mess under her.

Her dominant side is a love-hate relationship with me. The hate part basically just exists because I can't believe the impact, she has on me. She makes me weak.

Leah rapidly opens the buttons of my jeans and pulls them down. She bends down again to kiss my inner thighs but stops suddenly and looks me in the eyes again.

"Why do you stop?", I ask her with a half annoyed, half confused look on my face.

"Are you okay with that?", she softly asks. God she is such a gentlewoman.

"Leah", I can't help but laugh, earning a confused look from her. "You are my girlfriend.", I start to explain. "You don't need to ask anytime, okay?"

She nods, then thinks for a moment. "We should have a safe word.", she indicates.

"How about stop?", I propose.

"No, you say don't stop sometimes. How about- ", she thinks again. "Red? The obvious one?", she suggests, and I nod.

"Red it is.", I eventually say and chuckle. "Now go on."

"As you wish baby.", she says and kisses the inner sides of my thighs, making me wail in arousal.

She quickly gets rid of my slip, leaving me completely naked under her.

Leah seems impatient now as well, since she is no longer teasing or wasting time and starts to caress my clit with her mouth, making me elicit some moans which rapidly become louder as soon as she starts humming. She knows what drives me crazy. Crazy enough for me to tighten up after a short time, which is noticed by Leah, of course.

She kisses her way back up my stomach and I whine on the empty feeling before she inserts two fingers at once into me, making me gasp. Leah starts to move them at a slow pace, trying to postpone my orgasm. Her lips kiss her way up, while she uses her left hand to play with my breast and steadily fastens the movements with her right hand. I feel closest to my high when Leah starts to kiss my lips again and I can taste my own taste on her lips. Seconds later I come to my orgasms with a scream that is muted by Leahs lips on mine before she lets go of them, so I can catch me breathe again. Leah thrusts against my walls for two more times, making me whimper, before she pulls her fingers out of me, making me whimper even more, and sucking them clean.

"Delicious, baby.", she says when she is done and smiles at me, before giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead. "You were fast today."

"I haven't seen you in three weeks.", I try to defend myself, but Leah starts to chuckle.

"Don't worry, I enjoyed it.", she reassures me and kisses me.

The kiss soon turns needy, and I soon find myself undressing Leah and giving her oral, which she gladly enjoys. I don't even get to the point to use a double-combo consisting of my tongue and my fingers. I feel her clenching and begin to hum against her lips which drives her over the edge with a loud scream.

I kiss her nose and fall down next to her, both of us short of breath.

"And you said I was quick.", I chuckle when I find mine again.

"I've missed you.", she says quietly.

"Your poor neighbours.", I notice.

"They are used to it.", Leah says casually, and I immediately feel uneasy thinking about her with someone else.

"Hey.", I pout and hit her with a pillow.

She hits me back with hers and we start a little pillow fight before she manages to pin me down and kisses me full of passion.

"They have to get used to your screams now because I don't plan on stopping doing these things to and with you.", she breathes against my lips, and I smile against hers.

"Good, because I don't plan on either.", I say and pull Leah in my arms.

"I love you.", she whispers against my chest.

"I love you.", I reply before we both fall asleep.

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