Chapter Two

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He has done this many times before.

Flying with his dragon Grey Ghost while also having his friend, Yrsa Stone, making them company. He has only done this at the Vale though, never this full long trip to Kings Landing. Nonetheless, he liked it. He likes that he is doing something new and perhaps exciting for her. She has only seen the Vale after all and everyone deserves to see many places in their lifetime.

Yrsa was smiling from ear to ear. She enjoyed having the privilege of knowing and befriending Prince Baelon Targaryen. Not only is he a genuine friend to her but he has a dragon! Gods, that is the most ultimate splendid thing a friend can have. She has never seen something so magnificent like his dragon. Being on dragonback makes her forget about certain things that happened to her life.

She is the bastard daughter of Lord Gerald Grafton. She has four half-brothers and one younger half-sister. Yrsa has had no contact with her family since she started serving and staying with The Royces in Runestone since she was seven. She wouldn't change a single thing about it. Her family isn't exactly the ideal people to be around with.

But to be in the presence of Prince Baelon and his dragon... that's what is ideal.

Not bad for a bastard girl from the Vale.

Word in King's Landing spread around fast and before Prince Baelon could arrive at the dragonpit, the dragonkeepers had everything ready and prepared to receive him and his dragon. However, Grey Ghost doesn't stay at the dragonpit. He is a dragon who prefers to be free somewhere else and not around other dragons that often. Baelon lets him be. Grey Ghost always knows when to return to him.

Their trip in the skies came to an end. Grey Ghost landed on the dragonpit and Prince Baelon helped his friend safely to the ground. He pressed his forehead against his dragon and with one hand caressed him before letting him go.

" Jikagon yn umbagon va." (go but stay near) Grey Ghost lets out a cry and goes straight to the skies again while Baelon watches him in amusement.

"The sad part is always when they leave." Yrsa commented while the dragon completely disappeared in the sky. She looked at her friend and she couldn't help but to smile. "He loves you."

Baelon gave her a look and hummed. "I love him too."

"Prince Baelon." A voice he hasn't heard in a while caught his attention. He turned around to be greeted by his uncle King Viserys and Queen Aemma who had two maids behind her. "You look taller since I last saw you."

Baelon let out a small chuckle. He didn't really think he was taller than before yet he didn't want to say anything about it. He looked at Aemma whose belly was so big she could be carrying twins. She was grabbing onto Viserys arm tightly, she looked uncomfortable but was happy at the same time to see her nephew.

"Who do we have here with you?" asked Viserys.

"Oh," said Baelon. Yrsa was too nervous to respond. "This is my friend. Yrsa. She will be staying here with me...if that's not a problem."

"It is not." Viserys smiled. A genuine smile. It has been the only smile Baelon has seen of him. "A friend of yours is a friend of ours."

Yrsa smiled in relief.

"I have just the perfect place for her to stay." Aemma finally spoke. "Irys will show you, Lady Yrsa." One of the maids behind Aemma nodded.

"Thank you my Queen. You don't have to call me Lady, just Yrsa."

Aemma brows furrowed and she passed a hand through her belly. "Why not?"

"I am no lady, Your Grace." Yrsa gulped. "My name is Yrsa Stone."

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