Chapter Five

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With a simple word, Queen Aemma and little Prince Baelon's bodies were consumed by flames and erased from the physical world. What pained Rhaenyra the most was that this destruction had been brought about by her own words. She couldn't fathom how she had managed to utter that word. As the flames burned, Baelon could only watch, his heart melting, as Rhaenyra sobbed uncontrollably but refused to let anyone approach her.

When Alicent attempted to step forward and offer comfort, Rhaenyra forcefully pushed her away and departed without uttering a word, heading back to her chambers. Alicent understood all too well what the Princess was experiencing; she had felt the same loss not long ago when she lost her own mother. She cast a fleeting glance at Prince Baelon, her eyes reflecting defeat and emptiness, and, like clockwork, she began to nervously fiddle with her fingers.

Prince Baelon stepped closer and gently took hold of Alicent's hands. "You must give her time."

"I know," Alicent replied in a hushed voice, her words almost carried away by the wind. Two solitary tears trickled down her cheeks.

Baelon reached out and wiped them away with his hand.

"It's just...everything is rushing back to me. My mother...her funeral..." Alicent began to choke on her words, unable to continue. Baelon wrapped his arms around her, offering comfort as she released all her pent-up emotions.

Prince Baelon couldn't help but dwell on the idea of how the gods could ever take someone's mother from them. He couldn't even entertain the thought of what life would be like without his mother by his side. Such a notion felt inconceivable to him.

In an effort to provide some solace, Baelon gently guided Lady Alicent away from the scene, leading her to a quieter part of the Red Keep's gardens. The beauty of the blooming flowers and the tranquility of the surroundings seemed at odds with the turmoil in their hearts, yet Baelon hoped that a moment of respite would offer Alicent some comfort.

As they walked among the gardens, Baelon attempted to engage Lady Alicent in conversation, sharing stories from his own life and trying to draw her thoughts away from the tragedy they had witnessed. He knew all too well that words alone could not mend the wounds of their hearts, but he wanted to offer her whatever support he could.

Despite his best efforts, it became evident that Lady Alicent's grief was too profound to be eased by mere conversation or distraction. The day passed rather quickly and the night soon consumed them. She appreciated Baelon's kindness and companionship, but the pain of her loss remained unrelenting. Baelon understood this, and when they reached her chamber, he quietly walked her back inside, ensuring that she was as comfortable as possible.

With a reassuring squeeze of her hand, Baelon left Lady Alicent in her chamber, her grief still palpable. He knew that his cousin, Princess Rhaenyra, was likely experiencing a similar torrent of emotions, and he couldn't help but feel torn between them.

As Baelon walked back to his own chambers, the corridors of the Red Keep felt empty and desolate. His thoughts were consumed by Rhaenyra, and he couldn't help but fear for her well-being in her time of grief. He longed to be with her, to hold her close and offer her the comfort she deserved.

But deep down, he knew that he must respect her need for solitude and time to process her loss. It was a painful and difficult journey that she would have to undertake, and he could only hope that she would find the strength to emerge from it, as he knew she had the heart of a dragon.

As Prince Baelon made his way through the dimly lit corridors of the Red Keep, his thoughts continued to dwell on the tragic events of the day. The weight of grief and loss pressed upon his shoulders, and he longed for some semblance of normalcy to return to his life.

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