Chapter Eleven

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Baelon's favorite place was by the side of his dragon, Grey Ghost. He struggled to express the feeling of soaring through the skies with his dragon. Even when he would be of old age, conversing with his children and grandchildren, he still wouldn't fully grasp the profound bond between a dragon and its rider. It was an indescribable beauty he felt deep within, beyond the reach of words.

He had been in the skies for quite a while, gazing at the sea below and the reflections of himself and Grey Ghost. He smiled to himself, content. If everyday could be like this, he wouldn't change it for anything in the world. It was truly wonderful.

Baelon could finally see Driftmark in the distance, along with a few ships coming and going from the island. He had missed visiting; it had been a good four years since he last set foot there.

Just then, Baelon heard the sound of another dragon nearby. He glanced to his right and saw the pale silver-grey dragon Seasmoke, ridden by Laenor Velaryon. Laenor looked at him, nodded, and let out a laugh.

In an instant, they began to race each other. Seasmoke was skilled, but Grey Ghost was faster, and Baelon won when they reached the land.

"Fuck," said Laenor as he dismounted Seasmoke. "Grey Ghost is impressive, I have to admit." He laughed. "It's so good to see you!"

"Likewise," replied Baelon as they embraced tightly.

"Come, mother will be so pleased to see you!"

Baelon and Laenor walked toward the castle, chatting and catching up on their lives.

As they did, Laenor glanced to his left and noticed some knights training. One of them smiled at him, and he shyly smiled back before turning his attention back to Baelon.

Baelon noticed and raised a brow with a slight smirk. "And who is that?"

"No one," replied Laenor. Seeing the look on Baelon's face, he added, "No one! Stop looking at me like that." He playfully pushed Baelon, who laughed in response.

With that, they entered the castle. In the four years Baelon had been absent, not much had changed, although he did notice some new maids around.

They arrived at the throne and saw Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys deep in conversation, not even noticing their entrance.

"Mother, Father, look who's here," Laenor announced.

They turned and, to their delight, saw Baelon standing there.

"Oh my, Baelon!" Princess Rhaenys exclaimed, rushing over to grab his cheeks. "It's always so good to see you." She hugged him tightly. "You better stay for more than two days this time; it's been too long."

"I will, I promise. I'll stay for a while," Baelon said, pulling away with a smile.

"Oh, good, good, good," she smiled widely. "How's your mother?"

"She's doing well. She sends her regards."

Princess Rhaenys continued to smile as she rubbed his arm. Lord Corlys joined her side with a firm smile. "Baelon."

He nodded. "Corlys."

"You may stay as long as you want. But may I ask, have you heard from your father?" Lord Corlys inquired.

"Uh," Baelon hesitated, "No, nothing. Sorry."

Lord Corlys sighed. "Typical of Daemon," he said with a slight smile. "Well, I have things to do." He kissed his wife on her forehead. "Darling." With that, Lord Corlys departed.

Princess Rhaenys turned to look at Baelon once more, "You know where your chambers are." She shifted her gaze to her son. "Make him company."


As he stepped into the room he knew so well, Baelon couldn't help but smile. It was magnificent in a beautifully simple way. The room was spacious, yet retained an intimate warmth. Heavy, dark beams crossed the ceiling, their ancient wood polished by time and care. Between them, delicate carvings depicted sea creatures and swirling waves, a tribute to House Velaryon's legacy. A large, four-poster bed dominated the space. The bedclothes, though well-kept, bore subtle signs of age, much like the chamber itself.

In one corner stood a grand, ornately carved wooden wardrobe, its doors adorned with intricate dragon motifs – a nod to its former occupant, Prince Aemon Targaryen. The wardrobe's depths had once held the fine garments of Aemon and his wife, Lady Jocelyn Baratheon. Now it held the simpler, yet no less dignified, attire of their nephew, Baelon.

Opposite the bed, a large hearth lay dormant and above it hung a portrait of Aemon and Jocelyn, their expressions captured in a moment of serene togetherness. Prince Baelon approached the painting, his eyes lingering on the familiar features.

"I wish I had known him," Laenor said, studying the portrait. "I don't remember much about my grandmother, but I remember she was kind."

Baelon nodded slowly. "I wish I had known him too."

"Do you remember your grandfather?" Laenor asked. "I know he died when you were three, but—"

"I do," Baelon replied quickly. "I mostly remember his voice. Sometimes, I still hear it." He paused. "I remember seeing him bedridden, but that memory is blurry."

The door creaked open, and a small figure hesitantly stepped inside. It was Lady Laena Velaryon, Laenor's sister. Her eyes were wide with curiosity and a touch of sadness as she looked around the room, finally resting her gaze on Baelon.

"Baelon," she began shyly.

"Laena," he replied.

"I saw you flying with Grey Ghost. He's so beautiful."

Baelon smiled warmly at her. "Thank you, Laena. He is a magnificent dragon."

Laena's eyes flickered with a mix of admiration and envy. "I wish I had a dragon like that," she murmured, almost to herself.

Baelon noticed the sadness in her voice and crouched down to her level. "You will have a dragon one day, Laena," he reassured her gently. "There are still dragons out there that haven't been claimed. You just need to be patient."

Laena looked up at him, her eyes brightening slightly. "Really? Do you think I can manage to do that?"

Baelon nodded firmly. "Absolutely. It's in your blood, Laena. You come from a long line of dragon riders. When the time is right, you'll find your dragon, and the bond you share will be just as strong and special as mine with Grey Ghost."

Laena's face lit up with a hopeful smile. "Thank you, Baelon. That means a lot."

Laenor, watching the exchange, couldn't help but smile as well. "Baelon speaks the truth, Laena. You're destined for greatness. Just like the rest of us."

Baelon stood up and placed a comforting hand on Laena's shoulder. "And until then, you can always come to me with any questions or if you want to hear stories about Grey Ghost. I have plenty to share."

Laena beamed at him. "I'd like that. Thank you, Baelon."

With that, Laena left the room, her spirits lifted. Baelon and Laenor watched her go, the door closing softly behind her.

"She's growing up fast," Laenor remarked.

"She is," Baelon agreed. "And she'll make a fine dragon rider one day."

Laenor nodded, then turned back to Baelon with a thoughtful expression. "You know, you have a way with words. Not just with dragons, but with people too."

Baelon chuckled softly. "Maybe. Or perhaps I just see a bit of myself in her. We all need a little reassurance sometimes."

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