Chapter Twelve

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"You look like him," Princess Rhaenys remarked suddenly.

It was very early in the morning. Baelon, up earlier than usual, was preparing for his first meal of the day when he encountered Rhaenys eating alone. Deciding to join her, they began discussing Driftmark and reminisced about Rhaenys' childhood. A pause settled between them, and then she spoke those words.

"I look like who?" Baelon asked, curious.

"My father," she replied softly. "You are tall like he was... but I suppose your height matches that of your grandsire Baelon." She smiled fondly. "Yet, you look like my father. It's quite amusing. My children resemble Corlys and his family more, but you, the son of Daemon, bear a striking resemblance to my father."

Baelon smiled warmly. "I hope that resemblance isn't too much of a bother."

"It isn't," she reassured him. "Although you have your mother's eye shape, your eye color clearly comes from Daemon."

He regarded his aunt with admiration, his mind lingering on a question he had long wanted to ask. "Do you hate my father?"

Her brows furrowed slightly. "I don't see why I would."

"Do you like him?"

At this, she paused, considering her words carefully. "Daemon is... Daemon. I don't hate him, and I do enjoy his company... sometimes," she added with a faint smirk. "He behaves like a child most of the time, but he is my cousin, and I do care for him."

"But you don't exactly like him," Baelon pressed on.

Rhaenys smiled warmly. "I like that you are his son. You embody the better part of him."

Baelon hesitated for a moment, then decided to voice the thoughts that had been on his mind for some time. "I've often wondered how different my upbringing might have been compared to my father's. His reputation precedes him, but I've only heard fragments of his early years."

Rhaenys leaned back, her gaze becoming distant as she recalled the past. "Your father was always spirited, even as a child. He had a knack for mischief that kept us all on our toes. He was relentless in his pursuits, never one to shy away from a challenge or a fight. That daring spirit is something I see in you too, though you seem to wield it with more wisdom than he did at your age."

Baelon nodded, absorbing her words. "He's always been... larger than life."

Rhaenys chuckled softly. "Larger than life is a good way to put it. Daemon is always pushing boundaries, sometimes too far. But his intentions, I believe, are rooted in a desire to prove himself, to be more than just a prince. You've managed to harness that same drive, but with a sense of duty and responsibility that he often overlooked."

Baelon smiled slightly. "I've had good role models. Mother always emphasized the importance of our family's legacy, but also the need to lead with compassion and honor."

Rhaenys nodded approvingly. "And it's clear that you've taken those lessons to heart. Your path may diverge from your father's, but it doesn't mean it's any less significant. If anything, it shows that you've learned from both his strengths and his flaws."

"Do you think he regrets any of it?" Baelon asked quietly. "The choices he's made, the paths he's taken?"

Rhaenys sighed, a wistful look in her eyes. "It's hard to say. Daemon is not one to dwell on regrets, at least not openly. But I believe, deep down, he wishes he had made different choices at times. We all do, in our own ways. What matters is what you choose to do with the legacy you're given."

He sat quietly for a moment, reflecting on her words. "I want to honor our family's heritage, but also make my own mark. To be remembered not just as Daemon's son, but as someone who contributed something meaningful."

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