Chapter Fourteen

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It was early in the morning, and Viserys had arranged a small council meeting. Rhaenyra had already informed Baelon that it was likely about the announcement of Viserys' marriage, and there was no doubt in their minds that it concerned his union with Lady Laena Velaryon.

Viserys had requested everyone's presence, and Rhaenyra had asked Baelon to stand by her side, as his presence would bring her comfort during the proceedings. Baelon couldn't refuse her.

So there they were, all gathered in the room, eagerly awaiting Viserys to speak.

"Good morrow, my lords," Viserys greeted as he approached the table, standing and watching them all.

Baelon stood next to Rhaenyra, his eyes fixed on Viserys, waiting for him to finally say it out loud.

"I have decided to take a new wife," Viserys confessed. There was a brief pause in the room. His gaze shifted to Rhaenyra, who gave him a small nod of encouragement. "I intend to marry," Viserys then looked at Alicent.

Rhaenyra and Baelon both turned to look at her. He was confused, while Rhaenyra's mind was already racing.

"The Lady Alicent Hightower before spring's end."

Lord Corlys Velaryon stood, anger clear on his face. "This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm."

"And I am your king," Viserys warned.

Lord Corlys exchanged looks with Viserys and then Otto, who had a smug smirk on his face. With a final glare, Lord Corlys stormed out of the room.

Baelon's eyes were on Rhaenyra, and hers were on Alicent. He knew her mind was going wild about what was happening.

"Rhaenyra," Viserys called after her, but she left the room at once.

Baelon watched her leave, the room falling into a dead silence. It was a silence Baelon couldn't bear to witness. He looked at his uncle — his king — for permission to go after her. Viserys gave him a brief nod, and Baelon excused himself before leaving the room.


Baelon hurried through the Red Keep, his mind focused on finding Rhaenyra. He searched the familiar halls and courtyards until he finally found her in the godswood. As he approached the ancient heart tree, he saw her standing there, her arms crossed tightly.

"Rhaenyra," he called softly, stepping closer.

She turned to face him, anger and sadness etched on her face. "How could he, Baelon? Alicent? Of all people?"

Baelon sighed, reaching out to gently touch her arm. "We all thought he would choose Lady Laena. This took everyone by surprise."

Rhaenyra shook her head vehemently. "It's not just that. Alicent is my friend. How could she not tell me? How could my father do this, knowing how close we are? It feels like he's tearing everything apart."

Baelon stepped closer. "Rhaenyra—"

"I feel like I'm losing everything. First my mother, now this. It's too much."

Baelon pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her as she trembled. "It's okay... everything will be okay."

She clung to him, her grip tight, as if afraid to let go. "I thought we were allies with the Velaryons. I thought my father would do what's best for our house, our future. How could he be so blind?"

Baelon stroked her hair gently. They stood there in silence for a moment. Just as Rhaenyra began to calm, a new presence approached.

"Rhaenyra, Baelon," Alicent's voice called out softly.

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