Chapter Eight

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"I can't believe you are leaving me." Rhaenyra let out what she was holding onto all day long. She looked at Baelon and she couldn't believe she was secretly tearing up. She tried not to show it. She felt incredibly silly this time around. The last time Baelon left she didn't even feel this way. Now? Now she felt like something was going to be missing when he was gone.

"Rhaenyra... I must return, but I promise I'll be back soon," Baelon reassured her, clasping her hands gently. "I promise."

She nodded. "I know, it's just..." she trailed off with a sigh, "I just wish you could stay a little longer. But I understand."

Baelon offered a tender smile. "Time will fly, you'll see. Before you know it, I'll be back."

In cue, Lady Alicent and Baelon's friend Yrsa Stone came walking together laughing about something they were talking about. Their arms were intertwined. Baelon had noticed how Yrsa and Alicent had gotten along well these past few days.

"Prince Baelon, I have to confess I will miss you but I'll miss your friend more." Alicent looked at Yrsa. "Come back soon and take care of yourself."

Yrsa smiled, "I'll miss you too."

Baelon turned to watch Grey Ghost as he was waiting for any instructions he was going to give him. At once, Baelon helped Yrsa mount Grey Ghost effortlessly.

He turned to look at Rhaenyra once more and pulled her close to him to give her a warm hug. He felt he needed to do that, to feel her close for the last time in a while. If he was honest with himself, he didn't want to let go of her anytime soon, yet the sounds of a desperate Grey Ghost made him slowly pull away from her. She gave him a sweet smile and he could swear her purple eyes were glowing.

"I do promise to come back," he whispered softly, tucking a strand of her silver hair behind her ear. "I'll write to you."

Rhaenyra nodded. While she stared at him, she felt herself being captivated by the way he was looking at her and that no words seemed to escape her mouth.

Baelon grabbed Alicents hand and gave them a gentle short squeeze. "Take care of yourself, Alicent."

With that, Baelon finally mounted Grey Ghost and with one last look at Rhaenyra — he took off.


As Prince Baelon and Yrsa Stone neared Runestone on Grey Ghost, they saw the ancient home of House Royce. The strong castle of grey stone stood tall among the hills, its towers rising like guardians against the sky.

As they landed in the courtyard, a small group of maids, dressed in the colors of House Royce, stood waiting, their eyes, as always, wide with awe at the sight of the dragon. With graceful movements, they rushed forward to assist the prince and his companion, their voices soft and reverent as they greeted their returning lord.

Meanwhile, Lord William Royce, Baelon's cousin, approached with a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Ah, Prince Baelon, back to grace us with your presence, I see," he quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Despite his jesting manner, there was an undeniable air of confidence about him, his posture as straight as a sword.

Baelon chuckled,"Indeed, William, it seems Runestone couldn't survive without me for too long," he replied, matching the sarcasm with a playful grin of his own.

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