what if we get eaten by coyotes?

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this started as a joke, i'm sorry for my sins.


Jake's idea for his latest video was simple and Johnnie would have to go along with it. 'STRANDED IN THE WOODS WITH JOHNNIE FOR 7 DAYS' or something along those lines, he isn't really sure.

It's not like he's scared of bears or wolves or any of that shit but it's super cold and the sun sets early this late into winter.

Why couldn't they have done this video in the summer - or even fall?

"Jaaake, how long are we gonna have to keep walking before we get to the campground." He throws his head back in an exaggerated motion for the camera - Jakes iPhone; they're going completely off the grid for some reason -and the taller man just waves him off, walking slightly ahead.

"Stop bitching, we're almost there." Jake retorts in a nonchalant but still lighthearted manner. Johnnie rolls his eyes, wrapping his arms around himself to maintain any warmth possible, he side eyes the camera in a 'you seeing this shit?' gesture.

"I told you exactly what we were gonna be doing and you couldn't have dressed any worse for this." Jake gestures at his heeled black boots and leather jacket, both very inappropriate for hiking. Johnnie looks at the other man's jacket solemnly, it looks comfy.

He rolls his eyes for the camera nonetheless, "Stop trying to take away my emo-ness, I know you're just trying to make me less cool so you look better compar-it-bly" Jake huffs a laugh "-compare-" Johnnie's too focused on the other's laughter to say the word properly as Jake's now hunched over, trying to contain more laughs "-You know what I mean- and it's not even funny asshole!!"

The taller man hums a dubious agreement and mouths something to the camera, smirking. "Also you do not need any help looking less cool, I think it's impossible actually." Jake says - lips pursed - in that smug tone and Johnnie huffs, stomping away in the direction that he hopes is towards the campsite.

"Uhh Johnnie.." There's still so much humor in the other's voice. "Goddamnit!" The blue eyed man responds, shuffling in the other direction.


When they finally get to the site, Johnnie is sure that his lips are blue from the frigid conditions. During a quiet spell between filming, he asks, "Jake did you check the weather before setting this up?" and picks up a rock from their failed attempt at a campfire, studying it out of boredom.

"Uhh no, why would I do that?"

"My balls are gonna freeze off dude."

"Why didn't you check the weather then?"

Johnnie gently tosses the rock at the other man and responds with, "It's not my video asshat!" With only a little bit of humor in his tremoring voice.

He finally opens the weather app after bitching about it for a solid five minutes to find that the temperature is supposed to drop even further during the night.

"DUDE!? It's supposed to get down to like thirty-five tonight?"

"So? That's not even freezing.."

"I thought I was the one who dropped outta high school - you can get hypothermia at like - fuckin fifty degrees.."

"Well I'm sorry for not being a weatherman Johnnie." The taller man is now putting on one of his humorous voices and the shorter rolls his eyes.

"Can we go home now? You've got enough footage for today right? I think I might actually die."

"Yeah, yeah - lemme just call..."

Johnnie looks through his contacts to see if he's able to call anyone when his phone goes black.


Jake looks at him, concern bleeding through his features. Johnnie explains - "The cold made my fucking phone die - fuck." He says the last word with added emphasis and drops his head between his crossed arms in a curled up position.

"Johnnie..." Jake sounds a little worried now and it unnerves the shorter man.

"What?" His voice is muffled by the fabric covering his arms.

"...my phone just died."

"Fuck man." His voice has a rasp characteristic of stress now, maybe he was lying earlier - he's definitely scared of bears.

"What if we get eaten by bears or wolves or fuckin.. coyotes..?!"

"Johnnie... you really couldn't take a coyote?"

"Shut the fuck up" The blue eyed man huffs a small laugh and the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Or racoons - or vultures?"

"What if a vulture thinks I'm dead and tried to eat me?!" He tries to keep some humor in his voice, "What if I freeze and a vulture eats my corpse??"

"You're not gonna freeze Johnnie."

"Easy for you to say!" He peeks his eyes out from over his arm to glare at the other's jacket.


dw there'll be ship content it's just gonna be kinda slowburn.

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ooh and leave a comment if you dont like too, i have no shame anymore so its cool w me

so desperately obvious - Jake Webber x Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now